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Michael Charles Chilufya Sata (King Cobra)

Date of Birth: 6 July 1937
Place of Birth: Mpika
Died: 28 October 2014

Displaying 131-140 out of 168 results.

The copper clashes

PF leader Michael Sata who is an ardent critic of Chinese investment is accused by opponents of stirring tensions by providing unauthenticated figures indicating that over 80 000 Chinese workers have entered Zambia...

With friends like these...

Zambian opposition leader Michael Sata discovered this after calling Taiwan a ‘sovereign state’ during the presidential elections of September 2006 prompting public condemnation from Li Baodong China’s Ambassador to Zambia...

Copper-clad deals

Zambia would naturally like to get more for its copper and the campaign for higher taxes by populist opposition leader Michael Sata pays him dividends in the Copperbelt Province...

Trouble in the neighbourhood

Mutasa was startled by the government's rebuff but pleased by Zambian opposition leader Michael Sata's strong support...

Regional ructions

Mwanawasa was also accused of orchestrating the deportation of the maverick Zambian opposition leader Michael Sata from Malawi on 15 March...

The bitter side of the boom

At last year's elections the copperbelt constituencies rejected candidates of the governing Movement for Multiparty Democracy and backed the populist Michael Sata's Patriotic Front which promised a much tougher line on mining...

Succession sagas

Zambia’s politics in 2007 will be dominated by fights between Michael Sata the populist opposition leader and President Levy Mwanawasa’s ruling Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD)...

Commerce, cooperation and controversy

Opposition presidential candidate Michael Sata condemned Chinese labour practices; Ambassador Li Baodong threatened to cut aid if Sata won - but he lost so nothing happened...

The Titanic sails at dawn

The polls were wrong and Michael Sata lost to incumbent President Levy Patrick Mwanawasa whose solid 42 per cent of the vote came overwhelmingly from rural areas...

Enter ex-Presidents

Chiluba arrived home on 17 September after heart treatment in South Africa and promptly came out for Michael Sata (AC Vol 47 No 18) who has promised if elected to drop all corruption charges against Chiluba...

Displaying 131-140 out of 168 results.