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Vital Kamerhe

Date of Birth: 4 March 1959
Place of Birth: Bukavu, South Kivu

Displaying 61-70 out of 71 results.

Controlling Parliament

President Joseph Kabila’s attempts to remove National Assembly Speaker Vital Kamerhe resulted in his resignation on 25 March...

Trouble in Kinshasa

President Joseph Kabila’s worsening rivalry with the Speaker of the National Assembly Vital Kamerhe is dividing the ruling Parti du Peuple pour la Reconstruction et le Développement (PPRD) to which they both belong...

Shotgun wedding

A key member of the clique National Assembly President Vital Kamerhe has his political base in South Kivu and fears that the return of Rwandan troops would prove destabilising...

Prime Minister departs

Others talk of the President of the National Assembly Vital Kamerhe but his strong opinions may disqualify him...

The bashing of Bemba

Kabila agreed to the trip as did Vital Kamerhe National Assembly President and Secretary General of Kabila's Parti du Peuple pour la Reconstruction et la Démocratie (PPRD)...

Looking into the abyss

The Secretary General of Kabila's Parti du Peuple pour la Reconstruction et la Démocratie Vital Kamerhe told the party congress that the only opponent he fears is Etienne Tshisekedi...

Massacre questions

Before Mbeki arrived Kabila had called Ruberwa's pullout 'a joke'; the new head of Kabila's Parti du Peuple pour la Reconstruction et la Démocratie (PPRD) Vital Kamerhe who is from Bukavu described the RCD's pullout as 'treason'...

To plot or not

Information Minister Vital Kamerhe (PPRD) went on state television at about 10...

Peace or bust

Many of the so-called militiamen are the women and children of soldiers from Sudan Burundi and Uganda according to Information Minister Vital Kamerhe who gave assurances that the weapons would be destroyed by UN peacekeepers while the fighters had agreed to be sent home to their countries of origin...

Nobody's moving

On top of the disagreement over senior military appointments the government official in charge of the peace process Vital Kamerhe accused the RCD-Goma of wanting 'to continue behaving like a rebel movement setting up bases in government-controlled territory while behaving also like a political party'; he demanded that the RCD-Goma seek recognition as a party from Kabila's Interior Ministry and complained that the 'peace caravan' organised by the civil society movement had not been admitted to rebel-held territory...

Displaying 61-70 out of 71 results.