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Ian Khama (Seretse Khama Ian Khama)

Date of Birth: 27/02/1953
Place of Birth: Chertsey, United Kingdom

Displaying 11-20 out of 82 results.

Probe into shootings of 'poachers'

An inquest outcome that places fault on the Botswana army on the other hand could force a policy shift by Masisi on the shoot-to-kill policy that was made popular under former President Ian Khama...

Presidents trade more blows

A charitable foundation linked to ex-President Ian Khama claimed on 9 August it had secured 4 million doses of the Pfizer and Astra-Zeneca Covid-19 vaccines and was offering them to the government...

Shooting and fishing

Many thought the shoot-to-kill policy had been abandoned after President Mokgweetsi Masisi came to power and permitted licensed elephant hunting to recommence while curtailing the powers of ex-President Ian Khama a fierce defender of the shoot-to-kill policy and the creator of the specialised Anti-Poaching Unit (AC Vol 61 No 4 Wildlife targets)...

Bridgette's border war escalates

Supported online by South Africa's former Public Protector Thuli Madonsela former President Ian Khama and Blair Motsepe rejected Botswana's claims that she had controlled bank accounts alongside Khama and laundered vast sums for a political project...

Noisy neighbours

Masisi is at loggerheads with his predecessor President Ian Khama who has nurtured close ties with top officials in the ANC...

Wildlife targets

It's the first such sale since President Mokgweetsi Masisi rescinded in May the ban imposed by his predecessor Ian Khama...

Tshekedi Khama Ian Khama's brother and the former Minister of Tourism blamed Masisi's administration for disarming the dedicated anti-poaching unit...

In the rough

The ruling Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) won it handsomely but it was the first seriously contested election in the country's independent history and he wanted to be sure of victory against his nemesis former President Ian Khama...

From there buoyed by overwhelmingly clinching a fresh mandate at the polls Masisi will probably consolidate his grip on power in 2020 by seeking to 'kill off' any residual influence of ex-President Ian Khama and his allies by mounting prosecutions of them for alleged corruption...

BDP ends Khama's fightback

The Botswana Democratic Party won a new five-year mandate by a larger margin than expected on 23 October taking 38 of the 57 seats in parliament one more than in 2014 while the opposition coalition the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) took 15 with only three going to the Botswana Patriotic Front (BPF) the party backed by ex-President Ian Khama...

The elite’s big election fight

After 53 years in power the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) is facing its toughest challenge in national elections on 23 October with former President Ian Khama and his brother switching their allegiance to back the opposition alliance...

Apart from the usual voter attrition experienced by parties that have been in power for a long time a key factor in the BDP losing the popular vote in 2014 was that the country's governance was seen to be increasingly authoritarian under former President Ian Khama...

New Khama party takes off

Ex-President Ian Khama has given up on pursuing his rivalry with President Mokgweetsi Masisi within the ruling Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) and founded his own...

Displaying 11-20 out of 82 results.