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Côte d’Ivoire

Laurent Gbagbo

Date of Birth: 31 May 1945
Place of Birth: Mama village, near Gagnoa

Displaying 171-180 out of 262 results.

Banny's bonus

The French-sponsored resolution at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on 1 Novmber increasing the powers of Premier Charles Konan Banny at the expense of President Laurent Gbagbo is likely to prompt more political infighting...

Diamonds, gold and guns

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has endorsed an extension of President Laurent Gbagbo's time in office by another year and nothing useful is expected from the African Union's crisis meeting on Côte d'Ivoire which started on 17 October...

The toxic trade

After trying to ignore the scandal and the involvement of some of its business friends President Laurent Gbagbo's government detained Claude Dauphin head of the oil trading company Trafigura...

Toxic timeline

President Laurent Gbagbo expressed concerns about suspension of Port Director Marcel Gossio Customs Director Gnamien Konan and Abidjan Governor Pierre Amondji Djédi...

Two elections, one country

Bemba is greatly buoyed by a wave of anti-foreigner feeling based on Congolité which has much in common with the harsh ethnic nationalism known as Ivoirité backed by supporters of President Laurent Gbagbo in Côte d'Ivoire...

Cocoa wars

The United Nations and European Union are stepping up pressure on President Laurent Gbagbo's government to account for its oil windfall funds and its levies on cocoa exports (AC Vol 47 No 8)...

Identity crisis

A row between Prime Minister Charles Konan Banny and President Laurent Gbagbo about identity cards and the electoral roll goes to the heart of the political crisis (AC Vol 47 No 4)...

Not all necessary powers

There is no sign of a letup in the conflict between President Laurent Gbagbo and Charles Konan Banny the former banker appointed Prime Minister last November...

Human wrongs

As an ally of Angola's President José Eduardo dos Santos (his arms supplier during the 1997-98 civil war) of Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo and of Chirac Sassou wants to portray himself as a bridge-builder in Côte d'Ivoire...

Bane of Banny

FPI militants accuse the 16-member International Working Group chaired by Nigeria and the UN of running an international conspiracy against President Laurent Gbagbo after they set up the latest power-sharing government...

Displaying 171-180 out of 262 results.