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Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete

Date of Birth: 7/10/1950
Place of Birth: Msoga

Displaying 1-10 out of 163 results.

Samia reshuffles the troops

Nchimbi held a series of ministerial positions including the Home Affairs Ministry under former President Jakaya Kikwete (AC Vol 55 No 4 Trophy-hunters after Kikwete)...

It's the politics that counts

Rumours that Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete would stand have ebbed (Dispatches 21/2/24 Raila Odinga's bid for AU chair wins consensus in Nairobi)...

Veterans seek a last hurrah in Addis

The race to succeed Moussa Faki Mahamat as chair of the African Union Commission (AUC) in February 2025 already has two contenders Tanzania's former president Jakaya Kikwete and Kenyan opposition leader Raila Odinga...

Nation mourns the 'nearly man' Lowassa

Edward Lowassa who has died aged 70 was a close friend confidant and ally of ex-President Jakaya Kikwete who spent a fortune advancing his prospects and embracing any part of the ideological spectrum that would help him but without reaching the highest office of all...

The son of a Maasai herdsman who doubled as a lowly colonial official Lowassa studied for a BA at the University of Dar es Salaam where he met his lifelong political soulmate and future president Jakaya Kikwete before graduating from the University of Bath England with a degree in development studies...

' Lowassa always claimed that he had the full support of President Jakaya Kikwete (AC Vol 55 No 24 Power scandal rocks ministers)...

The return of the hard men

President Jakaya Kikwete rewarded Makonda for scuppering the review process which Kikwete had initiated by appointing him District Commissioner for Kinondoni District in Dar...

Samia builds her base and sets down markers

Such popularity remains a distant goal for Samia although ex-President Jakaya Kikwete opined cryptically recently 'There is no politician who is more popular than President Samia in Tanzania at present...

While her personal base in the party has usually been described as weak she has been supported by heavyweights like ex-President Jakaya Kikwete and ex-Prime Minister Edward Lowassa (Dispatches 7/2/22 An eye on elections President Hassan sidelines a challenger)...


End dissent in cabinet, ministers told

A veteran diplomat with over 30 years of foreign policy experience Mulamula was an ally of former President Jakaya Kikwete (AC Vol 50 No 15 Eastern foes at war again) and had been handpicked by President Hassan...


Dismay as court strikes down reform laws

The Panel of Elders (PoE) includes former Tanzania President Jakaya Kikwete and former Mauritian Vice-President Paramasivum Pillay Vyapoory who were appointed chair and deputy of the PoE...


An eye on elections, President Hassan sidelines a challenger

In the reshuffle President Hassan left the ministries of finance defence energy tourism and foreign affairs unchanged while appointing to ministerial posts several key supporters of former President Jakaya Kikwete including Nape Nnauye and Ridhiwani Kikwete his son (AC Vol 62 No 7 Life after the bulldozer)...


Displaying 1-10 out of 163 results.