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Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete

Date of Birth: 7/10/1950
Place of Birth: Msoga

Displaying 31-40 out of 163 results.

The bulldozer's light tread

Those officials were all presidential appointees and so the public and media widely infer that they were complicit in tax evasion which was rampant during the government of Magufuli's predecessor Jakaya Kikwete...

Push-ups and pushback

The politico-business networks that have shaped Tanzania for the past 20 years reached their zenith under his predecessor President Jakaya Kikwete...

Xenophobia on the rise

In 2013 Jakaya Kikwete sent thousands of Rwandan 'refugees' home after he and President Paul Kagame had fallen out publicly even though many had been settled in Tanzania for decades and were completely without resources in Rwanda itself...

How real the zeal?

Some see him as a compromise candidate who is dependent on and subservient to his party Chairman and presidential predecessor Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete...

Big bad John

The leader of the islands' opposition Civic United Front Seif Shariff Hamad who claimed victory after parallel tabulation at polling stations gave him the lead made sure to meet outgoing President Jakaya Kikwete on his last day in office...

Uhuru's frequent flyer card

In August he signed a trade deal with Uganda and early this month he hosted Tanzania's soon-to-retire President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete for a state farewell when the pair opened a new road linking their countries at Taveta 250 kilometres south-east of Nairobi...

CCM faces close vote

This has been fuelled mainly by the presidential candidacy of Edward Ngoyai Lowassa a long-time CCM stalwart who quarrelled with the outgoing President Jakaya Kikwete and defected to the opposition Chama cha Maendeleo na Demokrasia (Chadema) three months ago (AC Vol 56 No 15 CCM springs surprise & Vol 56 No 17 'Lowassa fever' catching)...

CCM springs surprise

‘This is how we do it in the CCM ' crowed the retiring President Jakaya Kikwete as the party's National Executive Committee (NEC) wound up its final selection proceedings in Dodoma late on 11 July when he presented the three short-listed candidates to the full party Congress for final selection the following day (AC Vol 43 No 22 Multi-party single party)...

Displaying 31-40 out of 163 results.