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John Dramani Mahama

Date of Birth: 29 November 1958
Place of Birth: Damongo, Northern Region, Ghana

Displaying 81-90 out of 130 results.

On live TV, a swarm of lawyers

On 16 April the Supreme Court began hearings on the petition from the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) to annul John Mahama’s victory in December’s presidential election...

Why are they waiting?

The leaders of the main opposition New Patriotic Party are stepping up their campaign to delegitimise December’s presidential election in which John Dramani Mahama was declared winner with 50...

Blé Goudé arrested

The arrest in Tema port of Ivorian militia leader Charles Blé Goudé on 17 January will do much to improve relations between Ghana’s President John Mahama and Côte d’Ivoire’s President Alassane Ouattara...

Politics goes to court

The year started with the presidential inauguration of John Dramani Mahama on 7 January and then consideration by the Supreme Court of a petition claiming his election had been fraudulent...

Miners out but no funds in

At the same time President John Dramani Mahama's National Democratic Congress (NDC) government faces growing public criticism for its apparent laxity in enforcing immigration laws and rules on work permits...

At the same time President John Dramani Mahama's National Democratic Congress (NDC) government faces growing public criticism for its apparent laxity in enforcing immigration laws and rules on work permits...

Crackdown on illegal miners

The crackdown comes on the orders of President John Dramani Mahama who has instructed the security forces to enforce the law without discrimination (AAC Vol 6 No 1)...

    Vol 6 (AAC) No 3 |

John Dramani Mahama

Newly elected as President in December 2012 John Dramani Mahama will continue to deepen Ghana’s ties with its Asian trading partners...

Political storm over Chinese gas contracts

Offshore accounting Questioning President John Dramani Mahama at a televised question and answer session the CSPOG claimed that there have been serious improprieties in the procurement process for the construction of the Western Corridor Gas Infrastructure Development project which is being undertaken by Sinopec International Petroleum Services Corporation in the Western region...

Call me, maybe

Ironically the campaign paraphernalia will have to be reprinted before the presidential and parliamentary elections which are less than six weeks away as they bear the image of the late President Mills and not that of his successor John Dramani Mahama...

The Mahama factor

The NDC’s John Dramani Mahama was reelected President with 50...

Displaying 81-90 out of 130 results.