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Mohamed Abdullah Mohamed (Farmajo)

Date of Birth: 11 March 1962
Place of Birth: Mogadishu

Displaying 21-30 out of 90 results.

The on-off elections are back on

The country has stepped back from the brink once more as the tension eased between President Mohamed Abdullah Mohamed 'Farmajo' and the man he suspended as prime minister Mohamed Hussein Roble on 26 December...

Some believe there is no point in complaining because President Mohamed Abdullah Mohamed 'Farmajo' will lose anyway since he only has Galmudug and South West State behind him...

Elections in grave danger

Unable to negotiate with President Mohamed Abdullah Mohamed 'Farmajo' or curb his manipulation of the polls to ensure he can return as president the alliance of the presidential candidates opposed to him – the Council of Presidential Candidates (CPC) – has called on its supporters to boycott the electoral process...

Some call this a consequence of President Mohamed Abdullah Mohamed 'Farmajo''s own personalisation of power in Mogadishu and manipulation of democratic institutions in the Federal Member States (FMS)...

Rebel advance drives a diplomatic flurry

He orchestrated the signing of the Tripartite Alliance in September 2018 drawing together Somalia's Mohamed Abdullah Mohamed 'Farmajo' and Eritrea's President Issayas Afewerki in a statement of intent (AC Vol 61 No 23 Risks on all fronts)...

Army bloodies Sufi militia

President Mohammed Abdullah Mohammed 'Farmajo' and his ally the President of Federal Member State of Galmudug Ahmed Abdi Kariye 'Qoor Qoor' face accusations they are boosting Al Shabaab by launching a bloody offensive against one of the insurgents' deadliest enemies the recently revived Sufi Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama'a militia...

At the mercy of friends

President Mohamed Abdullah Mohamed 'Farmajo' flew to Addis Ababa on 3 October to attend the swearing-in of Abiy Ahmed as prime minister for another five years hoping that the Ethiopian leader could help him with his domestic problems sources in Mogadishu told Africa Confidential...

But its campaign endangers the hegemony of one of President Mohamed Abdullah Mohamed 'Farmajo' major supporters the Galmudug President Ahmed Abdi Kariye 'Qoor Qoor'...

Why the killing of a spy is shaking the state

President Mohamed Abdullah Mohamed 'Farmajo' now appears to have accepted that his right-hand man Fahad Yasin the Salafist former Al Jazeera journalist who became Qatar's unofficial representative in Mogadishu will not now be restored as director of the apex security body the National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) after Premier Mohamed Hussein Roble sacked him on 6 September (AC Vol 61 No 25 Testing time for elections)...

Farmajo's personal Machiavelli Before the election of President Mohamed Abdullah Mohamed 'Farmajo' in February 2017 few inside or outside of Somalia had heard of Fahad Yasin even though he was a key political operator ever since the brief rule in 2006 of the Islamic Courts Union...



Money prompts an about-turn on elections

The threat of the World Bank the European Union and the United States pulling the plug on funding appears to have forced President Mohamed Abdullah Mohamed 'Farmajo' to backtrack on his plans to delay general elections and extend his term by two years and go back to the negotiating table (AC Vol 62 No 5 Battle lines in the capital)...


Displaying 21-30 out of 90 results.