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Jean-Pierre Bemba

Date of Birth: 4 November 1962

Displaying 51-60 out of 139 results.

An offshore imbroglio

In 2007 Angolan troops helped Kabila's Republican Guard in its fight with Jean-Pierre Bemba's militia so Kabila owes Angola a debt...

The man who says no

UN soldiers are often reluctant to start a fight and have several times (in Rutshuru and even in Kinshasa when Jean-Pierre Bemba's men confronted Kabila's Republican Guard) stood aside...

Prime Minister departs

Joseph Kabila's rival Jean-Pierre Bemba is in The Hague awaiting trial by the International Criminal Court; the Secretary General of his Mouvement de Libération du Congo (MLC) François Mwamba rightly described Gizenga's departure as an 'admission of failure'...

Melmot points out that instead of giving priority to restructuring and reform of the security services the government first sent its troops in March 2007 to wipe out Jean-Pierre Bemba's militia then in September-December to fight Nkunda in North Kivu...

Bemba under arrest

At least a couple of months must pass before Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo can be transferred from Belgium where he was arrested on 24 May to prison in the Netherlands...

Father and son

Michel Senior’s visit to Kinshasa last July was very stormy: it followed his unsuccessful attempts to negotiate the return to Kinshasa of Kabila’s main opponent the leader of the Mouvement de Libération du Congo Jean-Pierre Bemba whom Michel had earlier met in Portugal...

A slow road to travel

Opposition leader Jean-Pierre Bemba whose own democratic credentials are minimal fled to Portugal last April after his militia clashed with Kabila’s Presidential Guard in Kinshasa...

Another chance for Asia

India’s involvement with Congo began in 2005 when Jean-Pierre Bemba then Vice-President and responsible for economic affairs attended an India- Africa Partnership conference in New Delhi organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry...

Kabila gets a rival

It is a strategic position as Kabila's hawks try to remove the parliamentary immunity of his main opponent Senator Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo...

Congo-Kinshasa's cumbersome experiment

Jean-Pierre Bemba's Mouvement de Libération du Congo (MLC) is the same except that it failed in its electoral bid last year; that failure was followed by street battles in Kinshasa in April and treason charges against Bemba who has fled the country...


With the elections over President Joseph Kabila's government can use its legitimacy to crush all dissent not only oppositionist Jean-Pierre Bemba's armed guards but unarmed protestors too...

Displaying 51-60 out of 139 results.