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General Salim Saleh

Date of Birth: 14 January 1960

Displaying 31-40 out of 72 results.

A taxing compromise

After a decade building political relationships at the highest level Heritage has won friends such as the President’s half-brother and former head of the army Salim Saleh...

The north makes its stand

The second most powerful man in the country Museveni’s brother General Caleb Akandwanaho aka Salim Saleh recently retired as Commander of the Reserve Force and plans to run for Parliament...

Leaders in waiting

Caleb Akandwanaho aka Salim Saleh former Reserve Army Commander and now Military Advisor to Museveni...

Museveni - from grand reformer to simply surviving

The lack of political ambition from Museveni's two most senior officers General Salim Saleh and Gen...

Saleh (aka Caleb Akandwanaho) who was dropped from cabinet to avoid including too many family members had been shot in the 1981-86 war that brought him to power...

Room at the top

The dark horse for the future presidency is Museveni's half-brother Salim Saleh...

Rough justice

SALIM IN DEMAND Kony is also demanding the inclusion of Museveni's younger brother Salim Saleh on Uganda's negotiating team: an LRA statement praised Saleh's 'open-mindedness' and 'capacity to understand complex political and military isssues'...

Old faces

This would have more clout were it not for the appointment of Museveni's younger brother Salim Saleh aka Caleb Akandwaho as State Minister for Microfinance...

Displaying 31-40 out of 72 results.