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General Salim Saleh

Date of Birth: 14 January 1960

Displaying 41-50 out of 72 results.

Voters' voices

Salim Saleh aka Caleb Akandwanaho will be followed by the exit of Gen...

Tears, fears and a martyr

He had written that in the recent army reshuffle Museveni had wanted his brother Salim Saleh to take the top job as Chief of Defence Forces...

Museveni's military

Elly Tumwine the president's brother Salim Saleh and David Tinyefuza become Senior Presidential Advisors...

Military muscle, political problems

Sebutinde named the President's brother and comrade-in-arms Salim Saleh other army officers and Bank of Uganda and Finance Ministry officials...

Colonel Kizza's story

Museveni's grip on the military has weakened: a division emerged between those officers submitting copious reports of crooked deals in eastern Congo and the government's nomenklatura led by Museveni's brother General Salim Saleh and Brigadier James Kazini...

In come the vigilantes

Army morale is sensitive; relations between Museveni and his brother reserve forces commander Lieutenant General Salim Saleh dipped publicly when Saleh complained that soldiers lacked motivation...

Earlier this year a presidential team led by Salim Saleh and the Minister of State for Defence Ruth Nankabirwa made apparently sincere peace efforts...

Kazini goes back to school

Salim Saleh face a full investigation of their business ventures in Congo...

Salim Saleh the Reserve Force Commander agreed to accept $800 000 from Emmanual Katto a Ugandan businessman to route the contract through CSC instead of directly to the (cheaper) Belorussian supplier Beltspetsvneshtechnica...

It's all in the family

In June 1996 Major General Salim Saleh Special Advisor to President Yoweri Museveni on Military and Political Affairs in the north of Uganda was dispatched to Gulu the north's capital to devise ways of ending the insurgency by the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) that has terrorised the region since 1987...

Kabila reacts

His brother Salim Saleh and army Chief of Staff James Kazini are both accused of plundering Congo...

Displaying 41-50 out of 72 results.