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Central African Republic

Martin Ziguélé

Date of Birth: 12 February 1957

Displaying 1-10 out of 27 results.

The Kremlin's grip tightens

Galaxie issues grandiose decrees from time to time such as one on 13 September 'informing' the police the army and MINUSCA that it was going to conduct an operation to detain a number of prominent opposition figures including Nicolas Tiangaye Martin Ziguélé and Abdou Karim Meckassoua and 'bring them to justice'...

Moscow tilt poses risks

His speech setting out the government's ambitions for the next 10 years was full of extravagant pledges but nearly all MPs including leading members of the opposition and Martin Ziguélé voted in favour...

Moscow abhors a vacuum

Martin Ziguélé leader of the Mouvement de Libération du Peuple Centrafricain and member of the Socialist International attracted heavy criticism for acquiescing in the witch-hunt of his former ally...

Pledges lack promise

Reconciliation on show President Faustin-Archange Touadéra went to Brussels with Parliament Speaker Karim Meckassoua Prime Minister Mathieu-Simplice Sarandji and teams of key ministers and members of parliament including Martin Ziguélé Emilie Béatrice Epaye and Anicet Georges Dologuélé...

New leader's old problems

Touadéra became the most likely winner of the second round despite his lack of charisma and lack-lustre performance in a television debate in the last days of the campaign because he got the support of 22 of the presidential candidates eliminated in the first round including two of the most prominent Karim Meckassoua and Martin Ziguélé...

Democracy sans frontières

The defeated candidates include Martin Ziguélé who was leading an electoral alliance of different parties and whose own the Mouvement de libération du people centrafricain (MLPC) was thought to be the only one with anything like national appeal...

Displaying 1-10 out of 27 results.