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Central African Republic

Martin Ziguélé

Date of Birth: 12 February 1957

Displaying 21-27 out of 27 results.

Bozizé's win

Martin Ziguélé's gracious acceptance of defeat on 25 May may help avert potential conflicts after the decisive 65 per cent victory of General François Bozizé in the second round of the presidential election...

A putschist's progress

The most likely run-off challenger is Martin Ziguélé Patassé's former Prime Minister and the standard bearer for the deposed President's Mouvement de Libération du Peuple Centrafricain (MLPC)...

Too many troops

Bangui's constitutional court has barred exiled former President Ange-Félix Patassé from standing but Bozizé overruled a ban on former Prime Ministers Jean-Paul Ngoupandé liked in Paris and Martin Ziguélé well regarded by the IMF...

Unsuitable friends

Reformist Premier Martin Ziguélé may lose his job unless he can pay army and civil service wage arrears: after the 25 October coup attempt the United States sought more guarantees that Bangui would pay the arrears...

Our friends in the north

Patassé is playing a diminished role in day-to-day government while Premier Martin Ziguélé tours foreign capitals in search of aid prepares radical economic reform and cracks down on corruption...

Patassé's pals

Loyalist hacks were shaken by the 8 July detention and sacking of Sorongopé a signal that Patassé's technocratic Prime Minister Martin Ziguélé is slowly winning the battle for influence...

Plot and panic

Technical implementation of the economic recovery programme will depend on Prime Minister Martin Ziguélé an insurance executive from Patassé's home area of Ouham Pendé and a loyal member of his Mouvement pour la Libération du Peuple Centrafricain (MLPC)...

Displaying 21-27 out of 27 results.