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Josep Borrell Fontelles

Date of Birth: 24 April 1947
Place of Birth: La Pobla de Segur, Lleida, Catalonia

Displaying 1-10 out of 51 results.

Commission divided over Cairo

Schinas and southern Neighbourhood Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi who is officially responsible for leading negotiations are singing a very different tune from the bloc's foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell...

Security threats multiply ahead of polls

Despite condemnation from the United States Department of State (DOS) France's foreign ministry and the European Union's High Representative on Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell following evidence presented in June by a UN Security Council-mandated investigation team which shed light on Rwanda's support for M23 there has been little impact on Kigali's calculus...

Caught cold by the coups

A decade in which the EU had spent €600 million on civilian and military missions in the Sahel trained 30 000 members of the security forces in Mali and Niger and 18 000 other military personnel 'did not serve to consolidate armed forces which support the democratic government' but instead forces 'which overthrow them' the EU's Commissioner on Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell told the European Parliament on 12 September (AC Vol 64 No 2 Grand ambitions little money)...

Displaying 1-10 out of 51 results.