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General Abdourahamane Tiani

Date of Birth: 1960 or 1961
Place of Birth: Toukounous, Filingué, Tillaberi region, Niger

Displaying 1-10 out of 18 results.

The juntas dig in as instability worsens

On 14 June in Niger the deposed head of state Mohamed Bazoum now facing a trial on charges of treason plotting against state security and freeing terrorists was deprived of his presidential immunity in a ruling by the new Cour d'État tribunal established by General Abdourahamane Tiani's regime (AC Vol 64 No 16 A coup foretold but not averted)...


Niamey junta cancels France’s Orano permit in uranium mine

In April General Abdourahamane Tiani gave Canada's GoviEx Uranium a 3 July deadline to start mining at its Madaouéla project or risk losing its permit prompting speculation that the site could be awarded to Russian firms in line with the junta's increasingly close political ties to Moscow (AC Vol 65 No 9 Yellowcake woes)...


Patrice Talon tests strength of General Tiani’s junta

The arrest of five Nigérien oil technicians in Benin at the beginning of June has sparked accusations of ‘kidnapping' and ‘hostage-taking' from General Abdourahamane Tiani's regime and has scuppered hopes of an early end to the bitter rift between Niamey and Cotonou...

Yellowcake woes

Junta leader General Abdourahamane Tiani has fallen out with companies promoting potential uranium mines over the pace of their development...

General Tiani swaps the US for Russia

Severing military ties with the United States on 16 March three months after France closed its embassy in Niamey General Abdourahamane Tiani's Conseil national pour la sauvegarde de la patrie (CNSP) is shifting its security and diplomatic focus away from western powers towards Russia and to a lesser extent Iran...

Displaying 1-10 out of 18 results.