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François Maurice Adrien Marie Mitterrand

Date of Birth: 26 October 1916
Place of Birth: Jarnac, France
Died: 8 January 1996

Displaying 11-20 out of 46 results.

Biya's grip

In an exceptional gaffe during a rare radio interview in France he proclaimed himself one of French President François Mitterrand's 'meilleurs élèves' or best students...

Espion embarrassant

Jean-Christophe is assumed to be 'Papa-m'a-dit' Mitterrand son of the late President François Mitterrand and now on trial alongside Falcone in the Palais de Justice in Paris...

The Angolagate trial

Starring in the dock will be Jean-Christophe Mitterrand son of late President François Mitterrand; former Interior Minister and Euro-sceptic European parliamentarian Charles Pasqua; Pasqua’s former aide Jean-Charles Marchiani; and Jacques Attali advisor to President Mitterrand and the first President of the European Bank for Reconstruction & Development...

The dead bite back

In June Rwanda declared that its own courts have universal jurisdiction in crimes of genocide entitling them to prosecute a long list of French politicians and advisors including ex-Premier Edouard Balladur and Jean-Christophe Mitterrand the once influential son of the late President François Mitterrand...

Healing the rift

The late President François Mitterrand and his successor Jacques Chirac's Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin (who was in 1994 a very senior official in the Quai d'Orsay) used to claim as did the Hutu killers that there were two genocides: one committed by the Habyarimana regime in Rwanda and one committed later by the Kagame regime in Congo-Kinshasa...

Sarko's team

Born in Dakar and brought up in a housing estate in the Paris suburbs Rama Yade is the first minister of Sub-Saharan descent since Togo's Kofi Yamgnane (a junior minister under President François Mitterrand ephemeral Togo presidential candidate in 2005 and now councillor in Finistère Brittany)...

Chirac's last Cannes-Cannes

The approaching end of President Jacques Chirac's reign marks the end of an era just as the exits of French President François Mitterrand and Ivorian President Félix Houphouët-Boigny in the 1990s ended an earlier phase in Franco-African relations...

Diamonds, gold and guns

Eastern European technicians look after both the Mig-24 and at least one Antonov AN-12 troop-carrier supplied by a Belarussian state-owned company Belspetsv Technika (BSVT) via a company owned by Robert Montoya a French citizen and former leading member of ex-President François Mitterrand's Cellule Antiterroriste...

On trial for genocide

Saint-Exupéry blames French officers working directly for the then President François Mitterrand who set up a semi-official 'commandement des opérations spéciales' which provided weapons and training for the Interahamwé militias...

Displaying 11-20 out of 46 results.