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George Tawlon Manneh Oppong Ousman Weah

Date of Birth: 1 October 1956
Place of Birth: Monrovia

Displaying 11-20 out of 57 results.

Weah slaloms through the opposition

As AC Milan's top striker in the 1990s George Weah once ran through the opposing team to score a spectacular goal...

Allies of President George Weah are accusing the chair of the National Elections Commission (NEC) Davidetta Browne-Lansanah of impropriety...

Political insiders say the real reason for the accusation is that President George Weah's inner circle want to ensure his re-election well before voting and they don't trust Browne-Lansanah to play ball...

George Weah's front row Nathaniel McGill sometimes called George Weah's 'prime minister' is behind the campaign against National Elections Commission (NEC) chair Davidetta Browne-Lansanah...

Junta opens transition talks

Ecowas has also been made aware of the inconsistencies of its own position not least by the presidents of two smaller Ecowas member states Liberia's George Weah and Guinea-Bissau's Úmaro Sissoco Embaló (to whom Condé was implacably hostile) have said that coups should be no surprise when presidents do not respect their own constitutions...

Refining brand Weah

Amid concerns that relations with the United States have cooled during his presidency resulting in a loss of financial support President George Weah has hired three US lobbying and PR firms costing US$660 000 per year...

War crimes trial divides justice-seekers

Taylor's ex-wife Jewel Howard-Taylor is Vice-President under President George Weah and heads the National Patriotic Party (NPP) which began its life as the political arm of her ex-husband's National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL) and is part of the ruling coalition (AC Vol 61 No 5 George Weah at bay)...

Fear and loathing in Monrovia

A string of mysterious deaths of officials with links to the centre of power has caused deep consternation among the political elite and confusion about the true character of George Weah's presidency now in its fourth year (AC Vol 59 No 2 Weah's known unknowns)...

Inflation stands at around 26% and prices of petrol and rice are soaring – something that his predecessor the Nobel Peace Prize winner Ellen Johnson Sirleaf kept firmly under control (AC Vol 61 No 5 George Weah at bay)...

Parties campaign as jihadists advance

Kaboré's war chest is likely to be discreetly filled by business friends like Mahamadou Bonkoungou the billionaire boss of the EBOMAF regional civil engineering empire who likes to lend his private jet to heads of state like Kaboré and President George Weah (AC Vol 59 No 20 The heist that never was)...

George Weah at bay

Liberians angered by the steep fall of the Liberian dollar against the US dollar are venting their frustration on President George Weah and his government which stands accused of corruption and cronyism...

Iron back on track

Liberian President George Weah's office posted 15 minutes of live coverage of Forrest's arrival in July...

Weah on borrowed time

A much-anticipated 'Save the State' protest which is scheduled for 7 June seems to be gaining momentum as citizens challenge President George Weah and his government on critical national issues...

Displaying 11-20 out of 57 results.