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Jean-Pierre Bemba

Date of Birth: 4 November 1962

Displaying 21-30 out of 138 results.

Kabila thriving on chaos

'National consultations' launched in 2013 resulted in Kabila peeling off a part of Jean-Pierre Bemba's Mouvement de liberation du Congo led by Thomas Luhaka (who has served as a minister ever since) and Léon Kengo wa Dondo the President of the Senate...

A gathering storm

La Dynamique is a separate coalition of opposition parties of which Vital Kamerhe's Union pour la nation congolaise (UNC) and Jean-Pierre Bemba's Mouvement de libération du Congo (MLC) are the biggest...

Talking longer term

Other important parties such as Vital Kamerhe's Union pour la nation congolaise and the Mouvement de libération du Congo of Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo whose trial at the International Criminal Court opens in September as well as many grass-root UDPS members oppose any coalition with Kabila that extends his tenure...

Hell no, he won’t go

Coopting and confrontingThe opposition Mouvement de libération du Congo whose leader Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo awaits the verdict in his trial for war crimes before the International Criminal Court is also in crisis...

Kabila defiant on third term

Thomas Luhaka long-time Secretary General of the Mouvement pour la libération du Congo (MLC led by Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo who is on trial for war crimes at the International Criminal Court at the Hague) spoke for many Congolese when he said that Kabila and Malu Malu were playing for time hoping to organise a new census which would postpone the presidential poll until after November 2016...

Kabila wants cash for polls

They included the former Governor of Equateur José Makila Sumanda who chairs the Alliance des travaillistes congolais pour le développement (ATD) but was formerly with the Mouvement de libération du Congo led by Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo; Martin Fayulu from Engagement citoyen pour le développement (Ecide); and Jean-Bertrand Ewanga Isewanga Iwoka Secretary General of Vital Kamerhe's Union pour la nation congolaise (UNC)...

Holes in Kabila’s big tent

They include the UPDS; the Mouvement de libération du Congo (MLC) whose leader Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo is on trial for crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court; and the Union pour la nation congolaise (UNC) led by former National Assembly President Vital Kamerhe...

Keeping an eye on oil

Another re-elected rebel is Fidèle Babala Wandu a former Spokesman for Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo of the Mouvement de libération du Congo (MLC) currently on trial at the International Criminal Court in the Hague for crimes against humanity...

Displaying 21-30 out of 138 results.