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Displaying 291-300 out of 2653 results.

Nyusi's breaking point

President Filipe Nyusi is under heavy pressure to finally accept foreign military intervention to quash the escalating insurgency in the northern province of Cabo Delgado.

The battle over the bench

A bid to impeach a senior judge is part of the wider fight between loyalists of President Ramaphosa and his predecessor

It has taken 13 years for the Judicial Conduct Tribunal of the Judicial Services Commission (JSC) to recommend the impeachment of Western Cape Judge President, Justice John Hlophe,...

The state capturers fight back

Corrupt officials and business allies are running multi-billion dollar rackets in state companies, derailing attempts at reform

The beneficiaries of what could be over 100 billion rand (US$6.8bn) of 'irregular spending' in the country's rickety state-owned companies over the past three years are pushing bac...

Insurgents turn up the heat

A well-planned attack on Palma in Cabo Delgado cost dozens of lives, raising questions about the future of the $20 billion gas project nearby

Although government forces claimed definitive victory on 27 March over the Ahlu Sunna Wal Jammah (ASWJ) fighters who had seized control of Palma, on the northern tip of Cabo Delgad...


Kingdom in peril

The death of the Zulu king, Goodwill Zwelithini, promises turmoil for the already volatile province of KwaZulu-Natal

The death of King Goodwill Zwelithini, 72, from Covid-19 complications on 12 March, without agreement on how the succession should be managed will complicate the kingdom's already ...

PF bets it all on the polls

Election season starts soon as lenders hang on to their funds and watch the ruling party take increasingly desperate measures to raise money

Contrary to some optimistic reports, Zambia is 'very far' from securing a bail-out deal from the International Monetary Fund, banking and official sources have told Africa Confiden...

Gutting the opposition

ZANU-PF's manipulations have rid parliament of dissent and silenced criticism of high-level corruption

The expulsion of six MPs from Zimbabwe's parliament after a strange ruling that they no longer belonged to their own party deals a harsh blow to the opposition, which President Emm...

Ramaphosa rallies ANC against the Zuma-Magashule axis

After a marathon meeting, the party's National Executive backed Ramaphosa's call for action against ANC Secretary General Ace Magashule

The rival factions of the governing African National Congress are edging towards a final showdown after its National Executive Committee meeting on 27-29 March decided that the par...

The plot against Cyril

The President’s foes in the ruling party are building a credible coalition to depose him and return supporters of Zuma to power

Former President Jacob Zuma and the African National Congress Secretary-General Ace Magashule, who are both facing multiple corruption charges, have launched an open, brazen campai...

High courts and hidden loans

Mozambique's prospects for victory in its law suits over US$2 billion in hidden loans are dimming, according to legal sources. Maputo has been suing Lebanese businessman Iskandar S...

Displaying 291-300 out of 2653 results.