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Displaying 351-360 out of 2653 results.

Frelimo’s belated cry for help

Regional security bodies have been criticised for not doing more about the Islamist insurgency but Maputo was reluctant to sound the alarm

The crash of a Bathawk microlight aircraft belonging to the Dyck Advisory Group private military contractor (PMC) in Mozambique on 15 June has thrown a spotlight on a topic Maputo ...

Narrow gaps

Malawi's rerun presidential election on 23 June went off relatively peacefully, and early returns as Africa Confidential went to press indicate that President Peter Mutharika has l...

Farewell to arms

Debt-laden, dysfunctional and unable to find a modern role, the state arms-manufacturer is being steadily cut back

The debate about whether post-apartheid South Africa really needs its own arms industry and such a large military establishment has been raging since the country’s first demo...

Making free with repression

After a strong start mobilising people against the pandemic, Ramaphosa faces multiple complaints against the security forces and a looming economic meltdown

Civil rights activists, opposition politicians and business leaders are mounting legal and moral challenges to the lockdown, claiming it is being used as a cover for human rights v...

Ruling party wants a reset

Using the pandemic as a pretext, top ANC officials jostle for positions, some arguing for radical and sweeping policy changes

Before the Covid-19 pandemic struck South Africa, President Cyril Ramaphosa and his centrist supporters were locked in combat with followers of former President Jacob Zuma, African...

Poll chaos looms

The chances of holding fresh elections in time are dwindling as the President blocks key appointments and confirmation of the poll date

While political parties push ahead with mass campaign rallies – ignoring all social distancing and the ban on gatherings of more than 100 – there is still no confirmed date for pre...

Cyril’s lockdown limits

As the pandemic stretches out, the President is facing resistance from the public, business and political opponents

President Cyril Ramaphosa has bowed to mounting business and popular pressure to ease the lockdown from 1 June but has warned that the worst of the pandemic is still to come. South...

Gangs of the Copperbelt

The Patriotic Front has helped groups of artisanal miners form companies in return for delivering the vote in this crucial region

As so often in Zambia's elections, the Copperbelt will be decisive in next year's general elections and President Edgar Lungu's Patriotic Front (PF) is facing an uphill battle ther...

No smoke without Frelimo

Allegations of drugs crime and bribery are dogging President Filipe Nyusi's family. The transparency watchdog Centro de Integridade Pública has accused the President's eldes...

Tsvangirai’s house divided

The struggle for control of the opposition MDC is ramping up as ZANU-PF uses divide and rule to weaken its strongest foe

In-fighting for control of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change is playing into the hands of the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union–Patriotic Front, which hopes ...

Displaying 351-360 out of 2653 results.