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Displaying 361-370 out of 2653 results.

The lockdown finds pushback

The public is starting to tire of one of the world’s strictest restrictions in response to Covid-19 as cracks appear in the political consensus

The armed forces are patrolling the streets to enforce a nationwide curfew from 8pm to 5am as citizens can only exercise between 6am and 9am, and no more than five kilometres from ...

The governor's governor

President Hage Geingob has courted unaccustomed controversy by appointing his friend, the politically connected businessman Johannes !Gawaxab, to fill the vacancy left by Ipumbu Sh...

On the brink of sovereign default

The government is getting no help from the IMF because it won't stop borrowing unsustainably and covertly

After stopping payments on several commercial loans this year, Zambia is set to default on its US$3 billion Eurobonds, now trading at 'distressed debt' levels, with yields over 50%...

How Frelimo lost a province

The government has mishandled a growing insurgency in the gas-rich north of the country. Many fear it is now too late to regain the initiative

The latest massacre by an Islamist militia in the remote north of the country and its occupation of two coastal towns have thrust a simmering rebellion centre-stage, but the govern...

Unpacking Cyril’s stimulus

Economists question whether the immense Covid-19 relief package will just help business or the wider population

President Cyril Ramaphosa's 500 billion rand (US$26bn) stimulus to sustain South Africa's already precarious economy during the Covid-19 lockdown has been welcomed by business and ...

Heroes and villains in the pandemic

The coronavirus outbreak has turned the spotlight on those in charge, highlighting successes and exposing deficiencies

With South Africa in the third week of a lockdown that may only be lifted at the end of April, and possibly not even then, President Cyril Ramaphosa and Health Minister Zweli Mkhiz...

Farmers back on agenda

The government is taking steps to compensate expropriated farmers while trying to make sure that the farms of ZANU-PF bigwigs are not affected

Zimbabwe's land reform programme, which ended up largely benefitting senior members of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF), state security and army office...

Rule by rivalry

The public is becoming used to the contest for supremacy between the President and his Vice-President as it turns into a war of attrition

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has been locked in a love-hate relationship with the military ever since he rose to power in the military coup of November 2017. Against the supremacy ...

Displaying 361-370 out of 2653 results.