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Displaying 371-380 out of 2653 results.

State takes control

Lawmakers agreed to President Mokgweetsi Masisi's plan to extend a State of Emergency (SoE) from 28 days to 6 months over the coronavirus outbreak despite complaints that the emerg...

Cyril's double crisis

Drastic measures to contain the pandemic, coupled with the Moody’s downgrade, have strengthened the President’s hand – for now

The South African government has vowed to respond to the double shock of the coronavirus pandemic and a credit ratings downgrade by making overdue structural reforms to prevent the...

Poll in a plague year

The re-run of the presidential election looked certain to see Mutharika fall, but all bets are off now that political rallies are banned

The new presidential election mandated by the Constitutional Court in February was always going to be bad news for President Peter Mutharika, especially with the new requirement th...

Healthcare for dollars

The first reaction of Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front high-ups to the pandemic was to blame the West, or at least to gloat at its misfortune. Defence Minister and Z...


Virus rattles SWAPO

Although the coronavirus pandemic has yet to affect Namibia seriously – as April began there were only 10 confirmed cases and no deaths – President Hage Geingob's government has in...


Madagascar is on few international airline routes, so Covid-19 came late to the island. The authorities were able to impose quarantine on arriving travellers early, even before the...

Ramaphosa’s next test

The pandemic could not have come at a worse time for an ailing economy already stressed to the limit

The collapse of the global financial markets, the tanking oil price, and the threat of a major global economic recession have radically altered the backdrop to South Africa's econo...

Displaying 371-380 out of 2653 results.