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Population: 107.4m
GDP: $205.13bn
Debt: 30.5% of GDP (2024)

news from Ethiopia

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Found 315 articles.

Displaying 61-70 out of 315 results.

Abiy's war party digs in

Inaugurated in front of regional leaders, the Prime Minster has shuffled his cabinet and launched a massive new offensive in Tigray

Signs decorated with flowers and reading 'A New Beginning' in readiness for Abiy Ahmed's grand inauguration in Addis Ababa on 4 October held little reality even for his most determ...

Into the hell of war, again

Reports from the field say the Tigray forces have held off the first wave of the new federal offensive and may be gaining ground

In the run-up to the first year's anniversary of the war in Tigray, no clear victor has emerged and there is a high risk that the conflict, devastating lives and the economy, could...


Lies, damned lies and statistics

Reports of worsening famine conditions far eclipse direct casualties of the fighting. Few expect much progress from the mediator

With regional and international organisations focusing on a multitude of other crises, the war between Tigray's forces and Federal forces, backed by Eritrea, is set to drag on for ...

Addis tries to rewrite the script

After political victories and battlefield defeats, Prime Minister Abiy wants to boost military budgets and centralise more power

In the face of diplomatic efforts by African and Western officials to broker a ceasefire and humanitarian access, the fight over the future of Tigray and the national political str...

Displaying 61-70 out of 315 results.