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Population: 37.89m
GDP: $92.12bn
Debt: 70.3% of GDP (2024)

news from Angola

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Found 283 articles.

Displaying 261-270 out of 283 results.

Strings attached

The MPLA is trying to carve a puppet UNITA but this doesn't tackle the issue of Savimbi's troops

In one month, the government has transformed the Angolan political situation. Its intrigues became visible on 31 August, when it suspended ministers and parliamentarians belonging...

Mining and undermining

As UNITA responds to the MPLA's 'final push', diamonds will be crucial

Jonas Savimbi’s União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola is sometimes reported to have recently recaptured most of the diamond-mining areas from which it had been ousted...

War drums sounding

UN special envoy Lakhdar Brahimi's meetings with Dos Santos and Savimbi may be the last hope to rescue the peace accord

Jonas Savimbi is on the presidential campaign trail again. He has ordered his troops into a series of carefully orchestrated hit-and-run attacks against government positions in twe...

Angola looks east

Zambia has decades of experience of the Angolan war (AC Vol 39 No 10). It hosts the oldest continuous refugee camp in Africa, Muykwayukwa, opened in 1966 for Angolan refugees. Thre...

Mortgaged future

A new deal with Swiss oil trader Glencore has mortgaged virtually the last barrel of the government’s own oil allocation in exchange for up-front payments of some US$900 mill...


Would-be leaders are preparing the ground: they include Chief of Staff João de Matos, Premier Fernando França van Dúnem and Washington Ambassador Antóni...

Oil-rich, and poor

Luanda's fabulous petroleum prospects are doing little to help the devastated economy

Angola is Africa's hottest oil territory. International oil companies line up for exploration and exploitation rights; within a decade, production may match Nigeria's staggering tw...

Talking drums

Everyone's time and patience is running out - the government's, UNITA's - and the UN's

At first glance, Angola looks on the brink of peace again. Jonas Savimbi'sUnião para a Independência Total de Angola has formally disarmed; it has handed back to state...

Savimbi's last stand

A weakened UNITA defies the UN timetable and risks a government offensive

Jonas Savimbi is circling the wagons around the planalto heartland of his rebel União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola. In the last few weeks of February ...

De Matos makes plans

Luanda is preparing to use its new regional strength to settle its dispute with UNITA

Barring a last-minute summit between President José Eduardo dos Santos and rebel leader Jonas Savimbi, both sides are moving towards another major military confrontation. De...

Displaying 261-270 out of 283 results.