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Population: 28.08m
GDP: $18.82bn
Debt: 48.9% of GDP (2024)

news from Niger

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Found 70 articles.

Displaying 41-50 out of 70 results.

Do it by the deadline

After managing a transition which led to the election on 12 March of new President Mahamdou Issoufou, the military junta has announced that it will not hand over power on 6 April w...

Coup-makers fall out

Having seized power in a relatively popular coup, vowed to hold elections and tackled a food crisis, Niger’s military junta, headed by Major Salou Djibo, looked to be sitting prett...

A food crisis foretold

The Niamey junta is tinkering with its transition programme but it is better at handling a food emergency than the previous regime Aid workers have been warning for some time now t...

Confusion after the coup

The new military rulers promise an anti-corruption purge and elections but are thin on detail

The 18 February coup was almost surgical and was popular with the many people who wanted President Mamadou Tandja ousted, but the follow-up appears more improvised and chaotic (AC ...

A coup to stop a coup

The officers who threw out President Tandja must quickly prove they’re serious about constitutional rule

So far, Niamey’s new military leaders have played by the new-model putschists’ book. They ousted controversial President Mamadou Tandja on 18 February, then promised a rapid restor...

Displaying 41-50 out of 70 results.