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South Africa

South Africa

Population: 62.47m
GDP: $373.23bn
Debt: 75.4% of GDP (2024)

news from South Africa

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Found 837 articles.

Displaying 261-270 out of 837 results.

Everyone's fault but Zuma's

The beleaguered President believes the best defence is attack as he blames white business and the West for his woes

President Jacob Zuma has been trying to undermine his critics by claiming that all public attacks on his actions – whether in the media, from opposition parties or within the...

No place to hide

The once popular Jacob Zuma finds his room for manoeuvre ever more restricted as both supporters and enemies box him in

Humiliatingly shunned by both the powerful business community and the forces of labour and the left, President Jacob Zuma is on the defensive as never before. He has had to abandon...

Mr Gigabyte's baptism of fire

The new Finance Minister swings through New York and Washington trying to give an impression of business as usual

South Africa's fourth Finance Minister in two years, Malusi Gigaba, encountered bemusement and indifference when he visited the United States last week for the International Moneta...

The trillion rand thank you

Much of the raison d'être of the controversial 1 trillion rand (US$72 billion) nuclear deal with Russia rests on President Jacob Zuma's belief that he owes his life to Presid...

Gigaba raises sights still higher

Amid ANC rivalries for the succession, the new Finance Minister believes he could get the top job

The controversial Malusi Gigaba, the former Home Affairs Minister now elevated to the Finance Ministry, has been proposed by influential sections of the African National Congress a...

New script in KwaZulu-Natal

Heavy-handed quashing of dissent and voter fraud is cutting support for President Zuma in his heartland province

The powerful KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) branch of the African National Congress, the governing party's largest, lifted Jacob Zuma into the ANC presidency at its 2007 and 2012 national con...

Omens and portents

Optimists are in short supply as the significance sinks in of Gordhan's recall from overseas and the implications of a reshuffle

Only the beleaguered judiciary and Pravin Gordhan's fiscal management stand between South Africa and economic doom. This is an increasingly common refrain within the political clas...


How to repeat the Mugabe mantra

By calling for land redistribution without compensation, Zuma is following his Zimbabwean counterpart and throwing his foes into confusion

Just as mounting political crises again threatened to overwhelm President Jacob Zuma, he pulled out the land card to buy himself breathing space before the African National Congres...


Displaying 261-270 out of 837 results.