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Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso

Population: 24.06m
GDP: $21.9bn
Debt: 63.3% of GDP (2024)

news from Burkina Faso

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Found 77 articles.

Displaying 21-30 out of 77 results.

Blaise plots comeback

The former dictator is testing the water for a possible return home, but there is a lot to forgive before that can happen

Blaise Compaoré, ousted by mass protests in 2014 after he sought a fifth term as president, celebrated his 70th birthday on 3 February in his palatial villa in exile in Abidjan. A ...

Not so Roch solid

President Kaboré has secured another term but many doubt the security forces’ ability to contain the jihadist insurgents

On 26 November, shouts of 'Un coup, KO!', started ringing around the capital, Ouagadougou. The Commission électorale nationale indépendante (CENI), led by former journalist Newton ...

Parties campaign as jihadists advance

The election contest is a lively affair between elite rivals but none of them has a clear plan to defeat the armed insurgents that have cut across the country

Burkina Faso is holding presidential and parliamentary elections on 22 November, although many parts of the country are unlikely to participate because the safety of polling booths...

The politics of counter-terror

The government issues appeals to the West and the region for solidarity and money to resist the jihadist onslaught

Soldiers, civilians, worshippers at a mosque were but some of the dozens of victims of Islamist guerrillas in Burkina as the pace of jihadist attacks on civilians and security forc...

Backs to the wall

The speed of the jihadists’ campaign has caught the government off-guard and exposed the woeful inadequacy of the security forces

This year the country has experienced more violent attacks in six months than the whole of the previous three years, causing hundreds of thousands to flee their homes while the arm...

Putschists put away

After an 18-month trial, the Military Tribunal in Ouagadougou has handed down heavy sentences to the ringleaders and accomplices of the failed military coup in September 2015.

Gag on security reporting

Burkina Faso's National Assembly voted in a new law on 21 June heavily restricting freedom of speech. Human rights organisations and press freedom advocates are up in arms. Under A...

Between Blaise and jihad

Party manoeuvring for elections in 2020 coexists with intercommunal slaughter in rural areas. Then the deposed president turns up

While the jihadists register notable successes and violence increases, attention begins to turn towards the conventional politicians and what they can offer the people in the elect...

Jihad's shifting fronts

Increasing the resources available to anti-jihad forces is having little effect on the growth in attacks and militant cells

Jihadism was concentrated in northern Mali at the time of the launch of Opération Serval, France's emergency military campaign to stop jihadist columns pushing south in 2013. Sinc...

Attacks spur ethnic violence

A wave of jihadist attacks and retaliatory measures by the army is shaking up politics and endangering social stability. Prime Minister Paul Kaba Tieba and his government resigned ...

Displaying 21-30 out of 77 results.