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Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso

Population: 24.06m
GDP: $21.9bn
Debt: 63.3% of GDP (2024)

news from Burkina Faso

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Found 77 articles.

Displaying 71-77 out of 77 results.

Disbelief suspended

The big question about the presidential election on 13 November was the size of victory that incumbent Blaise Compaoré, 54, would choose to declare. In 1998, he won with 87....

Blaise wins again

Both the President and the opposition seem to be aiming for respectability

President Blaise Compaoré has a remarkable ability to cause tremendous trouble for his neighbours and still come up smelling of roses. Despite all his years of support for L...

106 Executions

Trigger-happy President Blaise Compaoré's human rights embarrassments have gone from bad to worse with an assault on 6 February from Amnesty International over 106 extrajudi...

On Blaise's trail

Burkina Faso's President Blaise Compaoré is the latest in a series of African leaders on overseas visits to be harried by human rights organisations. He spent mid-October in...

Stuck in the sand

President Blaise Compaoré has changed his government but not his problems

On 6 November, a new prime minister, Ernest Yonli, took over from the respected but hamstrung technocrat Kadré Désiré Ouédraogo. His first big difficult...


One death too many has left Compaoré's regime in a deep hole. It intends to escape

The government talks of 'national reconciliation'; its critics put it another way, saying that President Blaise Compaoré's regime wants to wipe away its bloodstained image. ...

Displaying 71-77 out of 77 results.