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South Sudan

South Sudan

Population: 15.45m
GDP: $6.52bn
Debt: 48.3% of GDP (2024)

news from South Sudan

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Found 136 articles.

Displaying 121-130 out of 136 results.

Workers safe but oil at risk

Oil rows and workers caught in the crossfire force Beijing to develop political and military tools to accompany its ever-growing economic muscle

Sudan and South Sudan are dragging a reluctant China into their smouldering relations at a time when both sides say the situation is on the brink of open armed conflict. Beijing’s ...

Oil flows eastward

Tension in Sudan and South Sudan boosts the Kenyan backers of the Lamu port and corridor projects. South Sudanese officials had already been in talks to join their planned pipeline...

Pa’gan Amum Okiech

Secretary General, Sudan People’s Liberation Movement, South Sudan

Pa’gan Amum Okiech is South Sudan’s top negotiator in its row with Khartoum over oil after Southern Independence in July 2011. China, the main producer and buyer of the South’s oil...

Pipeline problems

On 28 November, Sudan’s Petroleum Minister Ali Ahmed Osman announced that South Sudan would no longer be able to export its crude through the northern pipeline and Port Sudan, prov...

Implausible denials

As the Sudan Revolutionary Front is launched, the regime tries to parry opposition in the North by bombing South Sudan

Khartoum’s bombing of a refugee camp in South Sudan on 10 November has drawn unprecedented condemnation and stirred fears of a return to full-scale war between North and South. The...

Questions facing the new regime

After seven weeks of negotiation, Salva appoints the first independent government amid concern about accountability and national cohesion

Although the first post-Independence Government announced on 26 August better distributed portfolios among the three Southern regions – with a visible power shift from the Dinka-do...

Death in Jonglei

The biggest challenge for the new Juba government – and for many Southerners – is violence in some areas. Jonglei State in Greater Upper Nile is especially troubled and there is co...

New South Sudan Ministers

The new team of 29 ministers and 27 deputies marks an attempt at greater regional and ethnic inclusivity, sometimes at the expense of experience.

From autonomy to sovereignty

South Sudanese have made history; now they have to make a future

Tens of thousands of jubilant and weeping people cheered South Sudan’s new flag at the John Garang Mausoleum in Juba on Independence Day, 9 July. Then, instead of presenting the lo...

How the South moves north

As Ethiopian peacekeepers deploy in the contested Abyei Area, Khartoum’s strategy to keep it in the North grows starker. Northern opposition to the ruling National Congress Party i...

Displaying 121-130 out of 136 results.