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South Sudan

South Sudan

Population: 15.45m
GDP: $6.52bn
Debt: 48.3% of GDP (2024)

news from South Sudan

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Found 136 articles.

Displaying 111-120 out of 136 results.

A political and military test

Church peacemakers and SPLA troops try to end a complex conflict

Conflict on the border with Sudan may have calmed things in Jonglei, where South Sudan’s worst fighting had long been under way. Phase One of the government’s Disarmament, Demobili...

War drums sound as the South takes Heglig

Khartoum mobilises against South Sudan and breaks off all negotiations

The seizure of the oil town of Heglig by South Sudan’s armed forces on 10 April ratchets up Juba’s confrontation with Khartoum’s National Congress Party (NCP) regime, which also fa...

The South goes for sovereignty

Juba turns off the oil and turns up the pressure in its fraught negotiations with Khartoum over oil, cash, security and citizenship

Few outside the Juba government had expected it to start shutting down oil production on 22 January. Warnings from the Government of South Sudan had been widely seen as brinkmanshi...

Who pays the pipeline

Whatever the outcome of the oil talks between the Khartoum and Juba governments, the current crisis has focused thinking on southward leading pipelines. Industry and diplomatic opi...

Rough roads ahead

The problems of a new state plague South Sudan but the biggest challenges are from the old state to the north. South Sudan and north Sudan now celebrate Independence in different h...

Going with the flow

After months of talks, Sudan and South Sudan have signed agreements that should allow South Sudan to resume oil production. The 27 September deal came after a United Nations Secu...

Getting the oil to flow again

Chinese oil companies have been involved in the talks between Juba and Khartoum but Beijing still prefers quiet, behind-the-scenes pressure

There is a surprising mood of optimism amongst politicians and oil company officials in Juba as South Sudan and Sudan enter the latest round of negotiations on oil and border issue...

Beijing faces both ways

Pressure is mounting on President Hu Jintao’s government to use its commercial ties with Juba and Khartoum for constructive diplomacy

South Sudan’s government and ruling party have welcomed the billions of dollars in promised investment that resulted from President Salva Kiir Mayardit’s April visit to Beijing, bu...

Threats to Lamu lifeline

Conflict between the Sudans, lack of consultation with local people and regional politics could undermine the massive project

As the conflict between the two Sudans escalates, plans continue for the oil pipeline and new port at Lamu. Japan’s Toyota Tsusho Corporation, the leading investor and the first co...

Displaying 111-120 out of 136 results.