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Morgan Richard Tsvangirai

Date of Birth: 10 March 1954
Place of Birth: Gutu, Zimbabwe
Died: 14 February 2018

Displaying 1-10 out of 268 results.

Opposition in turmoil as Chamisa quits

Richard Tsvangirai an MP and son of MDC founder Morgan Tsvangirai says although he stands with Chamisa neither he nor his councillors will resign...

Ncube leads a powerful Matabeleland faction within the opposition which he brought back to the main opposition in 2018 having broken away from former opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) in 2005...

Legitimacy questions may spur talks

There were some surprising results – independent MP Temba Mliswa a strong parliamentarian and formerly ZANU PF Chairperson for Mashonaland West was defeated in his Norton constituency by none other than Richard Tsvangirai son of the founder of the MDC the late Morgan Tsvangirai...

But Chamisa unlike his predecessor Morgan Tsvangirai has stayed away from any frontline protests...

How to spin an economic catastrophe

Their pronouncements fly in the face of the late opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai's warning to ZANU-PF a decade ago: 'You can rig the election but you can't rig the economy...

Chamisa wrestles with the crocodile, again

And in Norton where Richard Tsvangirai son of Movement for Democratic Change founder Morgan Tsvangirai nominated himself as a parliamentary candidate but was attacked by the supporters of a rival...

ZANU-PF fires its electoral blunderbuss

Mwonzora a long-time ally of MDC founder Morgan Tsvangirai is accused by the CCC and others of accepting ZANU-PF benefits in return for splitting the opposition (AC Vol 63 No 7 The Change campaign changes hands)...

The Change campaign changes hands

Legacy loserLike Thokozani Khupe who split with Chamisa prior to the 2018 election Mwonzora believed that he and MDC-T had inherited pioneering oppositionist Morgan Tsvangirai's legacy and party structures (AC Vol 63 No 3 New bid to revive the opposition & Vol 59 No 12 How to fix a coalition)...


Displaying 1-10 out of 268 results.