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Joseph Kabila

Date of Birth: 4 June 1971
Place of Birth: Hewa Bora, South Kivu

Displaying 271-280 out of 446 results.

Eastern foes at war again

A large part of the army's problem is that officers steal the money meant to pay the soldiers: President Joseph Kabila belatedly ordered that troops be paid for April and May...

The China choice

It is so important that IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn met President Joseph Kabila in Kinshasa this week...

A credit-crunch presidency

Two weeks after Evariste Boshab a close ally of President Joseph Kabila was elected Speaker of the National Assembly and the independent-minded Vital Kamerhe had been forced from the Speaker's post minority politicians are complaining about a return to a 'single-party' behaviour reminiscent of Presidents Mobutu Sese Seko and Laurent Kabila...

Speak easy

A month after Vital Kamerhe was forced out of office a weakened National Assembly has followed President Joseph Kabila's instructions and voted in a new Speaker Evariste Boshab (AC Vol 50 No 7)...

Controlling Parliament

President Joseph Kabila’s attempts to remove National Assembly Speaker Vital Kamerhe resulted in his resignation on 25 March...

Trouble in Kinshasa

President Joseph Kabila’s worsening rivalry with the Speaker of the National Assembly Vital Kamerhe is dividing the ruling Parti du Peuple pour la Reconstruction et le Développement (PPRD) to which they both belong...

Unfinished business

Paris's initiative may have succeeded shoring up personal ties between Kagame and Congolese President Joseph Kabila but Congo's politicians doubt its value...

Shotgun wedding

In the short term Rwanda's return to eastern Congo weakens President Joseph Kabila's position in Kinshasa where the chorus of opposition is growing (AC Vol 50 Nos 1 & 2)...

Displaying 271-280 out of 446 results.