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Joseph Kabila

Date of Birth: 4 June 1971
Place of Birth: Hewa Bora, South Kivu

Displaying 311-320 out of 443 results.

Checking the assets

Mining report leak A draft of the Commission’s report – that had been leaked to the Kinshasa daily newspaper Le Phare – was handed to Prime Minister Antoine Gizenga on 8 November who then sent it to President Joseph Kabila in December...

Another chance for Asia

Congo’s Honorary Consul in Seoul is none other than Janet Kabila a sister of President Joseph Kabila who was appointed by South Korea’s then Foreign Minister Ban Ki-moon now United Nations Secretary General...

La grande bouffe

The deal dominated discussions during President Joseph Kabila’s visit to Brussels on 24 September...

The tail wags the dog

Congo's government held off from launching a full-scale assault partly due to President Joseph Kabila's visit to the United States where he met President George Bush and partly at the request of Congo-based diplomats who want the matter resolved peacefully...

Guerre du lac

Uganda's Yoweri Museveni and his Congolese counterpart Joseph Kabila agreed on 8 September to pull back troops from the disputed areas...

No borders against trouble

A leading member of this faction is President Joseph Kabila’s diplomatic and political advisor Marcellin Cishambo a Shi from North Kivu...

The wooing of Kinshasa

President Joseph Kabila and his cabinet are much in demand as access to Congo-Kinshasa's minerals is again contested...

Le scandale géologique

We hear Augustin Katumba Mwanke played a key role in cutting the deal with China; formerly President Joseph Kabila's Minister of State he was forced out after being linked to corrupt contractual deals by UN investigators...

Contract committee

• Raymond Tshibanda N'Tungamulong: At 57 Tshibanda is President of the Union des Libéraux Démocrates Chrétiens a party in President Joseph Kabila's Alliance pour une Majorité Présidentielle and was Vice-Minister of Planning in the transitional government...

• After the assassination of Laurent Kabila Katumba became Joseph Kabila's Minister of State in the President's Office in charge of state enterprises a key post for funding Operation Sovereign Legacy...

Mining men

Not necessarily liked by President Joseph Kabila's inner circle Damseaux is tolerated because of his position and longevity the family having established itself in Congo in 1931...

Displaying 311-320 out of 443 results.