Similarly Mnangagwa's relationship with his Vice-President former General Constantino Chiwenga who led the 2017 coup that ousted Mnangagwa's predecessor Robert Mugabe is also in a precarious state...
Since Mnangagwa's takeover from Robert Mugabe ‘Zimbabwe has shown signs of pursuing reforms in governance albeit with challenges ' she adds...
As parliamentary whip for ZANU-PF he helped instigate the no-confidence vote in Robert Mugabe during the November 2017 coup (AC Vol 58 No 23 The crocodile snaps back)...
Zimbabwe's membership was suspended over human rights abuses in 2002 and President Robert Mugabe withdrew altogether a year later...
Senior officers know that just as they launched him into power in the coup d'etat against Robert Mugabe in November 2017 they could move again...
Zimbabwe was suspended from the Commonwealth in 2002 over the conduct of the re-election of President Robert Mugabe and left the group when its suspension was upheld in 2003...
Vol 65 No 18 |
Billboards feature quotes from Ghana's first Prime Minister and Pan-Africanist Kwame Nkrumah Tanzania's first President Julius Nyerere Uganda's independence crusader Milton Obote and Zimbabwe's freedom fighter-turned-tyrant Robert Mugabe...
Arranging for compensation for the primarily white farmers who lost land in President Robert Mugabe's Fast Track Land Reform Programme in the early 2000s is expensive and contentious (AC Vol 62 No 13 Farming out critics)...
Vol 65 No 12 |
A prominent example is Zimbabwe's GNU established in 2009 between President Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) and Morgan Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change (MDC)...
That was the slogan that Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa used to burnish his credentials with diplomats and companies in the aftermath of the coup d'etat that ousted Robert Gabriel Mugabe in November 2017...