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Robert Gabriel Mugabe

Date of Birth: 21 February 1924
Place of Birth: Zvimba
Died: 6 September 2019

Displaying 51-60 out of 706 results.

After Tsvangirai

Then tens of thousands of oppositionists took to the streets to demand the exit of Robert Mugabe Tsvangirai's historic rival...

It was a decisive blow and earned him decades of hostility from President Robert Mugabe and his allies...

The boys for the black stuff

Many mining investors are being attracted back by President Emmerson Mnangagwa's easing of limits on foreign ownership of strategic assets as well as the fall of Robert Mugabe from power...

Old ZANU-PF in new bottles

As the first new leader that Zimbabwe has had in 37 years President Emmerson Mnangagwa begins the year riding a wave of goodwill having removed the apparently eternally-entrenched Robert Mugabe from power cleared the streets of the despised police roadblocks and ushered in what looks like a new political dispensation...


A martial mind-set

Several harsh political realities dominate the scene a month after the drama of Robert Mugabe's forced resignation: the new government has no plans for power-sharing and the military is in the ascendancy (AC Vol 58 No 24 Hopes and fears for the new old guard & Destruction in his wake)...

Mutsvangwa played a crucial role in persuading a wide-ranging alliance of civic and political activists to join a mass demonstration to demand President Robert Mugabe's departure on 18 November...

Hopes and fears for the new old guard

When Pastor Evan Mawarire founder of the #ThisFlag movement walked free from the Harare High Court on 29 November having been acquitted on charges of trying to overthrow President Robert Mugabe there was both cheering and laughter...


Destruction in his wake

Until his demotion in October by former President Robert Mugabe Chinamasa had led negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank on a deal for Zimbabwe to repay its $1...

Last year Robert Mugabe conceded that over $10 billion in earnings from diamond exports had been unaccounted for (AC Vol 58 No 21 Mystery of the missing mine profits)...

The crocodile snaps back

For that reason Zimbabwe's top officers kept emphasising that it was 'not a military takeover' and that it was not aimed at President Robert Mugabe 'only targeting criminals around him' despite all the evidence to the contrary including reports of arrangements for Mugabe to leave the country...

At a rally in Bulawayo President Robert Mugabe apparently unaware of the purpose of Chiwenga's mission rebukes Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa for stirring division in the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF)...

• Thursday 9 November: Harare International Airport is renamed Robert Mugabe International Airport and is earmarked for a US$153 million upgrade financed by the Export-Import Bank of China...


Mugabe drops the crocodile

By throwing out Emmerson Mnangagwa from the Vice Presidency and the ruling party President Robert Mugabe is testing his grip on the security services as the regime faces another economic meltdown over the next six months...

Opposition's ailing fortunes

Opposition hopes are fading that a repeat of the massive poll victory for President Robert Mugabe and the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) in 2013 can be avoided at the 2018 general election...

Now there are about 20 and at least four possible candidates who might stand against Robert Mugabe in the presidential poll (AC Vol 57 No 9 Morgan goes it alone)...

Displaying 51-60 out of 706 results.