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Robert Gabriel Mugabe

Date of Birth: 21 February 1924
Place of Birth: Zvimba
Died: 6 September 2019

Displaying 61-70 out of 706 results.

Donors risk funding a fix

All ZEC's decisions must be approved by the Ministry of Justice headed by Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa who is generally considered the most powerful politician after President Robert Mugabe (AC Vol 58 No 13 Mugabe the juggler)...

Trafigura aims for gas prize

Trafigura is bringing expertise and cash to the tune of around US$2 billion into the project said Harare sources to complement Sakunda's network of government contacts which includes members of President Robert Mugabe's family...

Mugabe the juggler

All agree on one thing: only incapacity or worse can prevent President Robert Mugabe from leading his party into the elections due next year...


The great growth divide

As living standards continue to fall most of the speculation centres on next year's elections and questions about President Robert Mugabe's longevity (AC Vol 58 No 11 Inflation fears are back)...

Inflation fears are back

Yet faced with mounting pressure to fund its budget deficit President Robert Mugabe's government started to create a virtual currency through the 'real time gross settlement' (RTGS) system after the collapse of the ZANU-PF-dominated coalition government in 2013 (AC Vol 57 No 17 Patriotism politics and position)...

Omens and portents

This is an increasingly common refrain within the political class as evidence mounts that in emulation of neighbouring Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe's survival strategy President Jacob Zuma has not been deflected from a policy of protecting widespread rent-seeking behind a populist smokescreen...


Whose judge is it anyway?

Normally President Robert Mugabe is reluctant to appear to be the author of major decisions preferring them to look like the inevitable consequence of the law or of ZANU-PF's internal processes...

ZANU-PF digs for votes

' The Trafigura facility carries a massive rate of interest the sources said and the family of President Robert Mugabe had a role in the deal...

The power of the family President Robert Mugabe's wife Grace and her family are involved in a multi-million electricity generation project with Sakunda Holdings...

Mugabe's waiting room

The country's restless public has failed to dislodge its nonagenarian leader Robert Mugabe who has ruled since 1980...

Displaying 61-70 out of 706 results.