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South Africa

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Madiba)

Date of Birth: 18 July 1918
Place of Birth: Mveso, Transkei
Died: 5 December 2013

Displaying 81-90 out of 344 results.

The race opens up

She also has the backing of ex-President Joaquim Chissano and Graça Machel widow of South Africa's Nelson Mandela and of Founding President Samora Machel...

Zuma talks up the state

Zuma welcomed old comrades and paid special tribute to Nelson Mandela Oliver Tambo and other ANC leaders including the former Deputy President for six months Baleka Mbete...

Zuma fights for his job

The ANC is still the political juggernaut of Africa with the all the kudos that attaches to the party of the late Nelson Mandela and the vanquisher of apartheid...

When the clouds cried

It was a day of the sharpest political contrasts when South Africans and the wider world celebrated the life of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela on 10 December at the FNB stadium in Soweto...


The time of Mandela

Nelson Mandela's face appeared magisterially on a tableau draped over the front of the Elysée Palace as African leaders and European bureaucrats walked across the courtyard for the opening day of a summit in the French capital on the morning of 6 December...

More boots on the ground

He landed in the CAR capital Bangui en route from the Nelson Mandela memorial service in South Africa on 10 December to address his troops and meet CAR's military leader Michel Djotodia...

Obrigado Graça

Her husband Nelson Mandela has just died and the governing Frente de Libertação de Moçambique is struggling for legitimacy in the wake of a major upset in the recent local polls...

Political mould starts to break

His KwaZulu-Natal provincial section of the ANC is now the largest and most powerful eclipsing the Xhosa heartland of the Eastern Cape which produced leading lights Walter Sisulu Oliver Tambo and Nelson Mandela...

Frelimo's gold rush

Chipande and the presidency Chipande’s status as an undisputed hero of the party makes him an attractive presidential prospect for anti-Guebuza elements such Graça Machel widow of Founding President Samora Machel wife of South African former President Nelson Mandela and a successful businesswoman in her own right...

Displaying 81-90 out of 344 results.