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South Africa

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Madiba)

Date of Birth: 18 July 1918
Place of Birth: Mveso, Transkei
Died: 5 December 2013

Displaying 101-110 out of 344 results.

Malema and Zuma for breakfast

The Anton Lembede ‘Founders’ Package will set you back R50 000 per person with the Oliver Tambo ‘Homecoming’ Package admitting two for R80 000 while the Nelson Mandela ‘Volunteers’ Package gets you three tickets for R120 000 and the de luxe Walter Sisulu ‘Recruiters’ Package welcomes a delegation of five for R180 000 (US$26 700)...

Local elections threaten the ANC's national grip

On the eve of his visit Cosatu General Secretary Zwelinzima Vavi told a conference of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) that the ANC might lose the Nelson Mandela Bay region of the Eastern Cape which includes its biggest city Port Elizabeth...

Vavi said the party was ‘infested with corruption and greed’ and that Nelson Mandela Bay could end up under Democratic Alliance (DA) leadership...

Unless members voted for the ANC he said ex-President Nelson Mandela could get sicker...

Who’s who in Zumaland

He and Mandla Mandela grandson of former President Nelson Mandela are doing business together...

• Mandla Mandela: The controversial grandson of Nelson Mandela is close to Jacob Zuma and on the campaign trail in 2009 he controversially wheeled out his aged grandfather to show support for Zuma...

Making history

As next year’s centenary of the African National Congress approaches a row is raging over how to portray Presidents Nelson Mandela Thabo Mbeki and Jacob Zuma in the ANC’s official history...

Getting ready to vote

To back its pretensions to African leadership South Africa needed all the moral authority inherited from Nelson Mandela...

Aurora’s gold mine collapses

The deal has dragged on and poor decisions by Aurora Empowerment – run by President Jacob Zuma’s nephew Khulubuse Zuma the President’s lawyer Michael Hully and Nelson Mandela’s grandson Zondwa Mandela – may have eroded Shandong Gold Mining’s interest...

Jen-Chih 'Robert' Huang

Khulubuse Zuma is Aurora’s Chairman; Zondwa Mandela Nelson Mandela’s grandson and Michael Hulley President Zuma’s lawyer are also involved in the company...

Christina Tan

The group owns boutiques in Nelson Mandela Square in the posh area of Sandton...

South-south support

Shinawatra has business in Liberia and South Africa and claims that he met ex-President Nelson Mandela in 2010...

President under pressure

Cosatu’s Vavi has claimed that in the battle for succession between Zuma and Mbeki in 2007 even former President Nelson Mandela was bugged...

Displaying 101-110 out of 344 results.