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Côte d’Ivoire

Laurent Gbagbo

Date of Birth: 31 May 1945
Place of Birth: Mama village, near Gagnoa

Displaying 121-130 out of 264 results.

Rewards and realpolitik

'A deferral of the Sudanese President's case ' says Baldo 'would be a serious blow to accountability and send the wrong message to regimes that abuse human rights such as Côte d'Ivoire's Laurent Gbagbo and Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe...

Summitry in a time of revolution

That meeting pitted Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan (who backs Alassane Dramane Ouattara (ADO) as the Ivorian election winner) against South African President Jacob Zuma (who sees a strong French hand behind the campaign against Laurent Gbagbo)...

Squeezing Gbagbo's budget

Europe is adding its own sanctions to the pressure on President Laurent Gbagbo from Africa's regional organisations to force him to stand down in the post-election stand off...

Cocoa ban may hit Gbagbo's war chest

Alassane Ouattara had sent a letter to the organisation of cocoa exporters the Bourse du Café et du Cacao saying that paying tax to Laurent Gbagbo who refuses to quit the presidency was illegal and that exporters who defied his ban could be prosecuted by local and international courts...

Propaganda war

Many in the Francophone African exile community have been unusually supportive of Laurent Gbagbo in spite of his sanguinary reputation and with few doubts about the fairness of the Ivorian poll...

Elections on trial

Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos is one of the staunchest supporters of President Laurent Gbagbo along with sundry Israeli and Russian officials...

Getting ready to vote

Politicians are closely watching developments in Côte d’Ivoire where Laurent Gbagbo insisting he is still President is up against regional groups and the United Nations who say he lost the recent election and must step down...

A permanent putsch

The AU and UN firmly oppose Laurent Gbagbo’s refusal to accept election defeat and Ravalomanana’s supporters in SADC may demand a similarly uncompromising rejection of Rajoelina’s election plans...

Bongo feels the heat

The charge was aired in a French television documentary on Françafrique recently and Obame has been making direct comparisons with the situation in Côte d’Ivoire with Ali Bongo in the role of Laurent Gbagbo and Obame as Alassane Ouattara...

Madické Niang

Senegal condemned Laurent Gbagbo’s long stand-off in Côte d’Ivoire after he lost the November 2010 elections...

Displaying 121-130 out of 264 results.