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William Samoei arap Ruto

Date of Birth: 21 December 1966
Place of Birth: Sambut Village, Kamagut, Uasin Gishu, Kenya

Displaying 141-150 out of 396 results.

The judges endorse Ruto's rout

After an epic campaign against the political establishment William Ruto will take over as President with the economy at its weakest for years and the political system at its most divided in the multi-party era...

Pricing Ruto's promises

As soon as Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission chief Wafula Chebukati declared William Ruto the winner of the presidential election the President-elect swung into action immediately putting together a transition team and wooing the 12 independent lawmakers who are set to hold the balance of power in parliament (AC Vol 63 No 17 How the hustlers toppled the dynasties)...

Consolation prizes for Raila Presidential contender Raila Odinga will have breathed a sigh of relief after his Orange Democratic Movement won both of the delayed governor elections in Mombasa and Kakamega results which check the momentum of President-elect William Ruto...

Brussels greets Ruto

Josep Borrell the European Union's High Representative will become the first western leader to congratulate Kenya's President-elect William Ruto in person when he visits on 10 September...

Ruto takes his revenge

Only the Supreme Court stands in the way of Deputy President William Ruto's final trouncing of his establishment foes in State House the big media organisations and many of the corporate barons around President Uhuru Kenyatta...

Politicians and activists take the election to court

Passions have been running high since 15 August when IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati announced that Deputy President William Ruto had won the presidential election by 50...

Small wonder that the two main sides former Prime Minister Raila Odinga and Deputy President William Ruto are said to be paying stratospheric fees to their legal advisors who include some of the country's most eminent jurists...

President-elect William Ruto's legal team will be spearheaded by Fred Ngatia who was part of the Jubilee/IEBC legal team defending the 2017 results...

Gulf states vie for position in region

The vast sums owed to China by Sudan Djibouti Ethiopia and Kenya mean those countries have little room to manoeuvre in their relations with Beijing although the election victory of William Ruto in Kenya may undermine Chinese influence...

How the hustlers toppled the dynasties

While the row over the presidential election is set to end up in the Supreme Court gains by Deputy President William Ruto's coalition in parliamentary county assembly and governorship elections have redrawn Kenya's political map...

WHERE RUTO REDREW THE MAP The contest between former Prime Minister Raila Odinga and Deputy President William Ruto for the presidency was the closest in Kenyan history and shook politics to its foundations...

Election chief proclaims Ruto victory but most of his commissioners dispute it

It took two delayed attempts and the intervention of riot police before election chief Wafula Chebukati could announce that Deputy President William Ruto had won the presidential elections with 50...

Deputy President and now President-elect William Ruto told the Bomas meeting that it was a wonderful evening and that: 'The IEBC (Electoral and Boundaries Commission) led by Wafula Chebukati was the hero of this election...

Earlier in the day activists across the country gathered to celebrate what they thought would be the certain victory of their favoured presidential candidates: supporters of former Prime Minister Raila Odinga in Kisumu and Deputy President William Ruto in the Rift Valley...

Taking the fifth

Both Deputy President William Ruto and former Prime Minister Raila Odinga claim they have the momentum to become Kenya's fifth president since independence in 1963...


Displaying 141-150 out of 396 results.