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South Africa

Ebrahim Rasool

Date of Birth: 15 July 1962

Displaying 1-10 out of 13 results.

ANC tries to stop the rot

It includes the Jacob Zuma-supporting former minister Lynne Brown Ramaphosa-supporter and former ambassador to the United States Ebrahim Rasool and provincial treasurer  Maurencia Gillion who is an ally of Magashule's...

Pushing Zuma to the exit

Mathole Motshekga former ANC Chief Whip is proposed as Justice Minister; Kenny Moimang a Zuma supporter and former acting chairman of the ANC in the Northern Cape would become the Human Settlements Minister; Ebrahim Rasool former Ambassador to Washington would be offered Minister of Mineral Resources; Thandi Modise the Deputy Speaker who switched to backing Ramaphosa would get the Labour portfolio...

The indispensable Manuel

Fingers are pointed at his Political Advisor Ebrahim Rasool a close ally of Mbeki's who was sacked as Premier of Western Cape in a widespread purge immediately after Zuma took the party presidency at the 2007 national conference...

All politics is provincial

The Western Cape and Eastern Cape branches are still reeling from the pro-Zuma leadership’s sacking this year of their pro-Mbeki Premiers Ebrahim Rasool and Nosimo Balindlela...

Zuma takes the provinces

The two sacked Premiers are Nosimo Balindlela of the Eastern Cape and Ebrahim Rasool of the Western Cape both staunch powerful supporters of Mbeki...

Apartheid's awful legacy

Zille who is also Mayor of Cape Town has been involved in a nasty power tussle with the ANC provincial Premier Ebrahim Rasool about who should be doing what in the current crisis...

Shooting the messenger

We understand that Essop Pahad Mbeki’s best friend was instrumental in attracting the United Arab Emirates’ investors; invitations to the launch were ‘from the Presidency and CNBC Africa’; Mbeki was there and guests included Western Cape Premier Ebrahim Rasool and Gauteng Premier Mbhazima Shilowa...

The race to win

He was publicly reprimanded by Allan Boesak a well liked (and coloured) ANC leader from the Western Cape where the provincial ANC has been divided between 'Africanists' (led by their Chairman James Ngculu and Provincial Secretary Mcebisi Skwatsha) and the rest under the Provincial Premier Ebrahim Rasool...

Trying the Veep

The timing of Ehrenreich's proposal is connected to the recent defeat of Western Cape Premier Ebrahim Rasool at the ANC's provincial congress (AC Vol 46 No 13) where he was deposed as provincial Chairman and replaced by an Africanist rival James Ngculu...

Displaying 1-10 out of 13 results.