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António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres

Date of Birth: 30 April 1949
Place of Birth: Lisbon, Portugal

Displaying 81-90 out of 91 results.

The fall of 'King Paul'

However the deposing of 'King Paul' hasn't yet had much impact on the arrival of additional peacekeepers: UN Secretary General António Guterres' latest report to the UNSC laments that as of mid-May the RPF's total deployed strength consisted of only 31 Bangladeshi engineers...

Squaring the triangle

The new United Nations Secretary General António Guterres is anxious to breathe new life into the peace process not least by replacing the beleaguered UN Special Envoy Martin Kobler...

Standoff in the Sahara

The United Nations is the next battleground where new Secretary General António Guterres has long experience of the conflict and is believed to be more sympathetic towards Morocco than his predecessor Ban Ki-moon...

Bouteflika unbowed

A standoff between Western Sahara's Polisario Front and Moroccan forces in the United Nations-policed buffer zone of Guerguerat on the extreme southern border of the disputed territory required early intervention from new UN Secretary General António Guterres...

Calling Trumpsville

As Dlamini-Zuma was sounding her warnings about the Trump government's entry ban backed up more diplomatically in a subsequent speech by the new United Nations Secretary General António Guterres hundreds of thousands of people were protesting against the order in the USA and Europe...


A scorched earth peace

That means another South Sudan problem for the new UN Secretary General António Guterres previously UN High Commissioner for Refugees...

Cold and hot wars

This could pose a challenge for new UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres who is already very familiar with the Saharan dossier...

How to win friends

Having chastened Ban Ki-moon earlier this year for alleged partiality in the Sahara affair his successor as UN Secretary General António Guterres is someone Rabat has done business with when he was Portugal's Prime Minister and then UN High Commissioner for Refugees (2005-15)...


The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Portuguese former Premier António Guterres said anti-migrant laws were fuelling desperation: 'This is a tragedy that is multiplying itself in the Mediterranean in the Gulf of Aden in south-east Asia...

Displaying 81-90 out of 91 results.