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António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres

Date of Birth: 30 April 1949
Place of Birth: Lisbon, Portugal

Displaying 71-80 out of 94 results.

Paris clashes with Moscow

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and AU chair Moussa Faki Mahamat agreed on the appointment of Mauritanian Hassan Lebat former AU Representative in CAR and currently a special adviser to Moussa Faki as a mediator...

Militias flex their muscles

In particular despite the emphasis placed by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on preventative diplomacy neither Monusco nor Zerrougui's fellow Algerian UN diplomat Saïd Djinnit the UN Special Envoy for the Great Lakes seem especially in a rush to explore or address the tensions that are causing Uganda Burundi and Rwanda to foment violence in eastern Congo-K...

No cash, no peace

UN Secretary-General António Guterres warned that countries in the region must support ...

Shaky start for Sahel force

Even UN Secretary-General António Guterres an academic by training and certainly no soldier remarked on the 'precarious' conditions at the base – which he visited on 30 May – and called for it to be reinforced...

Congo's President Joseph Kabila didn't attend the AU summit and has cancelled meetings with UN Secretary General António Guterres and US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley...

Monrovia questions UN record

Instead Johnson Sirleaf told her immediate advisers Zarif had tried to manoeuvre his way to lead the mediation in a bid some suggested to impress his new boss in New York Secretary General Antonio Guterres...

    Vol 59 No 12 |
  • MALI

Threats to peaceful poll

Only four days after UN Secretary General António Guterres left Bamako with the government's promises to promote peace and stability in his pocket he was sounding his concern about the brutal repression of an opposition demonstration on 2 June...

The Sahara conflict is back

Rabat was happy when former Portuguese Prime Minister António Guterres was appointed UN Secretary General replacing Ban Ki-moon who had earned Moroccan enmity...

Cold war and glacial change

United Nations Secretary General António Guterres has been looking to give peace talks new impetus supported by the former German President and former IMF Managing Director Horst Köhler as his special envoy...

Grenades against peace

On 15 November UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres presided over a UN Security Council meeting which renewed Minusca's mandate and added another 900 peacekeepers boosting its numbers to 11 650...

Displaying 71-80 out of 94 results.