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António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres

Date of Birth: 30 April 1949
Place of Birth: Lisbon, Portugal

Displaying 61-70 out of 91 results.

Köhler leaves the hot seat

Horst Köhler's appointment as the UN Secretary-General António Guterres's Personal Envoy for Western Sahara in July 2017 was welcomed by Morocco for whom the former German President and International Monetary Fund chief was a professed 'close friend' who understood its historic claim to the disputed Western Sahara...

Haftar stakes it all

The scale of the defeat for UN diplomacy was summed up by Secretary-General António Guterres who had been in Tripoli to back the now-aborted Ghadames conference the very day the LNA advance was ordered and then flew to Benghazi to plead unsuccessfully with Haftar to halt it...

New man for the horn

UN Secretary General António Guterres appointed Parfait Onanga-Anyanga as his Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa on 13 March illustrating what the UN leader's critics are now calling a penchant for appointing to high diplomatic positions people who won't make waves...

El Beshir mulls the endgame

Following discussions between UN Secretary General António Guterres and El Beshir in Addis Ababa last month Khartoum sources have told us the President's office firmly quashed any idea of another UN special rapporteur on Sudan...


Pushing Beshir towards the exit

A week earlier on the sidelines of the African Union summit in Addis Ababa on 9-10 February we hear Beshir held discreet talks with United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres on a deal...

Mogadishu lashes out

UN reactionIn a move that has attracted strong criticism UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres agreed to appoint a replacement for Haysom after trying in vain to persuade Farmajo to change his mind...

The forgotten army

UN Secretary General António Guterres appeared to back the local commanders in his November report on the G5 Sahel force noting 'troop deployment continued to be slowed by the absence of secure and fortified operating bases [while] the Joint Force continues to face important training capability and equipment shortfalls...

Paris clashes with Moscow

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and AU chair Moussa Faki Mahamat agreed on the appointment of Mauritanian Hassan Lebat former AU Representative in CAR and currently a special adviser to Moussa Faki as a mediator...

Militias flex their muscles

In particular despite the emphasis placed by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on preventative diplomacy neither Monusco nor Zerrougui's fellow Algerian UN diplomat Saïd Djinnit the UN Special Envoy for the Great Lakes seem especially in a rush to explore or address the tensions that are causing Uganda Burundi and Rwanda to foment violence in eastern Congo-K...

No cash, no peace

UN Secretary-General António Guterres warned that countries in the region must support ...

Displaying 61-70 out of 91 results.