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General Salim Saleh

Date of Birth: 14 January 1960

Displaying 1-10 out of 72 results.

Muhoozi sticks his neck out

The meeting was chaired by Museveni's brother Gen Salim Saleh but its contents have not been disclosed other than the presidential edict on keeping the succession issue within the NRM...

Rot at savings fund exposed

'The general' meant Caleb Akandwanaho aka Salim Saleh President Yoweri Museveni's brother and a key figure in the government one of whose current titles is Chief Co-ordinator of Operation Wealth Creation a programme launched by the President in 2013 to add value to agricultural smallholders' output...

Economy deprives regime of options

Members of the first family opposed to Kainerugaba's ambitions include Odrek Rwabwogo Museveni's influential son-in-law as well as the president's powerful brother Gen Salim Saleh who co-manages the regime with his elder sibling...

Museveni seeks seventh heaven

Ggoobi is a protégé of Salim Saleh the President's younger brother...

For now he seems to have drawn in his horns after being summoned to a meeting with the President's highly influential brother Gen Salim Saleh on 5 December...

Kenya sponsors risky anti-militia plan

Rwandan officials say the UPDF deployment is in fact meant to pave the way for Dott Services an engineering company widely linked by the Ugandan press to Museveni's half-brother the retired general Salim Saleh (aka Caleb Akandwanaho) which has a contract to build two roads from Uganda into areas of North Kivu not far from ADF and M23 strongholds...

Displaying 1-10 out of 72 results.