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Martin Alamisi Burnes Kaiser Amidu

Displaying 1-10 out of 23 results.


Special Prosecutors past and present

A petition filed by Martin Amidu Ghana's first Special Prosecutor demanding the dismissal of his successor Kissi Agyebeng could pose a major threat to what remains of the office's credibility...


No case for the prosecutor

Former Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu has accused Kissi Agyebeng of allowing personal interests to sway his judgement on the Adu Boahen case...

Penalise the plunder, say protestors

After the controversy over the resignation of Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu and over Domelevo civil society activists complain that the promises to tackle corruption are empty (AC Vol 62 No 7 SPECIAL REPORT: How Vincent Bolloré won control of Ghana's biggest port & Vol 61 No 23 Anti-corruption boss 'no poodle')...

Government to ram through gold scheme

The controversial plan was shelved in November 2020 after the then Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu published a report listing breaches of public procurement law nepotism unethical actions by ministers and warning the risk of corruption was high (AC Vol 61 No 22 Election stirs up apathy)...

The prosecutor isn't so special

The last person in the post Martin Amidu resigned amid a war of words with President Akufo-Addo last November over his investigation into the government's planned gold royalties company Agyapa to be listed in London and Jersey (AC Vol 61 No 22 Election stirs up apathy)...

Ofori-Atta promises a rebound

The Agyapa project was suspended last year after a devastating report from the Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu...

The wrong side of the law

After Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu released a damning report on the conflict of interests around the Agyapa project plans to push it through before the elections were abandoned (AC Vol 61 No 23 Anti-corruption boss 'no poodle')...


Partisan contests ramp up in the courts and parliament

Questions to Ofori-Atta are likely to focus on his role in the attempt to float the Agyaba gold royalties company in London and Jersey which has been put on hold following an investigation by the Special Independent Prosecutor Martin Amidu last year...


Displaying 1-10 out of 23 results.