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Emilio Stanley Mwai Kibaki

Date of Birth: 15 November 1931
Place of Birth: Gatuyaini Village, Othaya, Nyeri district, Central Province
Died: 21 April 2022

Displaying 31-40 out of 317 results.

Opinion polls in question

As candidate for the then ruling Kenya Africa National Union Kenyatta lost the 2002 elections to Mwai Kibaki who headed an opposition alliance...

Finding Africa on K Street

' Eyebrows were raised by the potential involvement in advising Odinga of John Githongo the anti-corruption official in the then President Mwai Kibaki's government who turned whistle-blower over the Anglo-Leasing scandal (AC Vol 57 No 23 Empty words on graft)...

Empty words on graft

' Apart from that presidential broadside the event was a damp squib made noteworthy by the absence of two key invitees: John Githongo the anti-corruption czar in President Mwai Kibaki's government who turned whistle-blower on the Anglo-Leasing scandal in 2004 and economist David Ndii who has persistently attacked the government's handling of funds from the KSh...

Amina jumps to the front

Approaches have been made to Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka who was Vice-President to the then President Mwai Kibaki between 2008 and 2013...

Uhuru goes banker-bashing

Twice before in 2001 under President Daniel arap Moi and in 2010 under President Mwai Kibaki private members' bills that proposed capping interest rates came to Parliament and died...

Fear stalks the law

It documented the extra-judicial police killings of 500 individuals between July and October of that year and submitted it to the then President Mwai Kibaki...

Warnings of a bad election

The Jubilee side will be led by Senator Kiraitu Murungi from Meru a staunch 'Mount Kenya mafia' member and former Justice Minister from the days of ex-President Mwai Kibaki...

Stand-off over Dadaab

In February 2012 then President Mwai Kibaki called for refugees to be resettled because Kenya could 'no longer continue carrying the burden'...

Displaying 31-40 out of 317 results.