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Laurent-Désiré Kabila

Date of Birth: 27 November 1939
Place of Birth: Likasi, Congo-K
Died: 18 January 2001

Displaying 161-170 out of 257 results.

Diplomacy with attitude

The present danger is that the Congo conflict may destabilise not just Laurent-Désiré Kabila's regime but the governments in Kampala and Kigali...

Fantasy rules

Both President Laurent-Désiré Kabila and his armed opponents insist almost daily that there must be a peaceful resolution of their differences...


Savimbi knows he's unlikely to have such a favourable position again with the entire Southern African region split over the Congo wars and his forces operating a de-facto alliance (at least) with rebel forces fighting President Laurent-Désiré Kabila's regime backed by Luanda...

The fire this time

That rebellion brought President Laurent-Désiré Kabila to power but failed to establish border security for Kampala and Kigali...

Look in The Mirror

Lissouba insists that the arms shopping list sent to Belgian arms suppliers Labayfar was for President Laurent-Désiré Kabila in Kinshasa...

All about power

Laurent-Désiré Kabila's claims that UNITA was helping the Congo rebels persuaded Dos Santos to join the pro-Kabila alliance in August (AC Vol 39 No 16)...

Central Africa's schism

That may help a de-escalation of the war and a phased withdrawal of some foreign troops (Angola has already substantially wound down its troop deployments) without pushing forward an agreement between President Laurent-Désiré Kabila and his armed opponents...

Dubious democracy

Now he wants Congo-K’s President Laurent-Désiré Kabila to help him fix up an accord with Angola partly to avert the kind of bombing President Lissouba underwent in October 1997 in Congo-Brazzaville...

Displaying 161-170 out of 257 results.