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Laurent-Désiré Kabila

Date of Birth: 27 November 1939
Place of Birth: Likasi, Congo-K
Died: 18 January 2001

Displaying 211-220 out of 255 results.

A dictator returns

Paul Kagamé's Front Patriotique Rwandais; Uganda Rwanda and Angola's backing of Laurent-Désiré Kabila's forces against Mobutu Sese Seko and now Angola's backing of Sassou's forces against Lissouba...

Biya's bad joke

A few English-speaking activists in the SDF say they want to imitate Laurent-Désiré Kabila's struggle against Mobutu Sese Seko...

French leave

But now he may fear the precedent set in the new Democratic Republic of Congo by President Laurent-Désiré Kabila's overthrow of Mobutu...

Kabila takes on the UN

The old dictator's death may make it harder for Laurent-Désiré Kabila's government to trace and reclaim the wealth he stole...

Washington quandary

Some people in Congress and the government want the USA to follow the lead of African states (notably Eritrea Rwanda South Africa and Uganda) which urge that President Laurent Kabila should be given both aid and more time to put the new Congo's house in order...

Legacy of war

Yet insecurity remains endemic and was at the top of the agenda during President Laurent Kabila's recent visit to Rwanda...

Fela and his heirs

Even before Laurent-Désiré Kabila's triumphant arrival in power in May lyrics had begun to change...

Time's up, again

Congolese President Laurent-Désiré Kabila is understood to have given the green light for hot pursuit onto his territory if necessary: Luanda helped him to seize power in Kinshasa...

NIF targets Mandela

Some saw Mandela's Zaïre efforts as less a mediation between Mobutu Sese Seko and Laurent Kabila than a bid to get the government to leave quietly which it more or less did...

Museveni's backyard

In November its men crossed the border briefly occupied two trading villages near Kasese and were chased into Zaïre by the UPDF then hounded by Laurent-Désiré Kabila's Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo...

It doesn't want the rebellion to seem a consequence of Museveni's support for the successful rebellions in Rwanda and Congo or Sudan and claims the ADF survives only because Laurent Kabila's AFDL are not yet able to control the whole territory whose mountains constitute ideal guerrilla country...

Displaying 211-220 out of 255 results.