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Abdou Diouf

Date of Birth: 7 September 1935
Place of Birth: Louga, Senegal

Displaying 51-60 out of 73 results.

Treaty testing

A visit by the MFDC's figurehead Father Augustin Diamacouné Senghor (who in January welcomed a conciliatory speech by President Abdou Diouf) to Gambia's President Yahya Jammeh was cancelled...

Pre-millenial tension

By sending Senegalese soldiers into Guinea-Bissau President Abdou Diouf has muddied the pool of Dakar's politics...

    Vol 39 No 16 |
  • MALI

Money doubling

He was recently received by Senegal's President Abdou Diouf and was the subject of a two-page promotional article in the official daily Le Soleil...

Mane fights on

Since Vieira took Guinea Bissau into the CFA Franc Zone in January 1997 opposition parties have questioned the Francophone tilt in foreign policy and closer ties with President Abdou Diouf's government...

Mane's men

The regional dimension is critical: * Senegal: Neither Senegal nor Guinea waited for the Organisation of African Unity to consider the matter; they simply invoked a regional defence accord signed last September to send troops in for what Dakar's President Abdou Diouf said would be a 24-hour operation to suppress Mane's rebellion...

The euro cometh

Even conservative leaders such as Gabon's Omar Bongo and Senegal's Abdou Diouf recognise that Juppé began the reform of cooperation policy that was pushed through by his Socialist successors Jospin and Josselin in early 1998 (AC Vol39 No4)...

Children of '68

President Abdou Diouf wants the elections to look clean and has appointed as Onel's head a retired general and former secret service chief Mamadou Niang...

African roadshow rolls

Also in Dakar a pan-African forum of civil society activists is being hastily assembled by Washington officials; a ground-breaking event presided over by Presidents Abdou Diouf and Clinton - an implicit reply to the criticism that the tour is too much about governments and not enough about people...

Rules of the game

New electoral rules and new political realities mean that President Abdou Diouf's Parti Socialiste faces a real contest in the National Assembly elections on 24 May (and a presidential one in 2000)...

Displaying 51-60 out of 73 results.